Chapter #1

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                                                      CHAPTER #1


 "She killed her own brother."

Cameras flashed all over, making me see bright yellow spots. Whispers and gasps rose from the crowd as I came out of Juvie looking perfectly okay, minus my long and unkempt hair; unexpected I suppose.  

And oh, I guess I forgot to mention? I've been framed for killing my brother.                                              


I looked around, searching for some familiar faces; one in particular.

Did this friendship of ours mean nothing to him? He knew I was getting out of Juvie today; and yet he chose not to show up. It's been two years. I thought he would come visit me at least once. He never did. I was upset at first, but then I realised he wasn't going to visit anytime soon; because, he, like the rest of the world, thinks I'm a murderer.

Pushing away all these thoughts, I began my search again, this time, not for him.  

I found my neighbour, Claire waving at me from a distance. I walked towards her.


"Hey..." I replied.

"I know that asking you how you are would be stupid, but I'm asking you anyway. How are you doing?" she asked.

"It is a stupid question, but thanks for asking. I'm doing okay, I guess."

A few seconds later, she said, "Good. Now, let's get you home before your sister starts calling me", walking towards her car.

Soft instrumental music was playing in the car. As I was about to doze off, she changed the track to some rock song.

"Thanks. I needed that," I said.

"Yeah. You looked like you were going to fall asleep any second. You remember this song? You and Aar- Um. It was your favourite."

 I thought for a minute and replied,

"Yeah, I do. Smells like teen spirit. Hard to believe that you remember. And you don't have to act like that around me. You can talk about Aaron."

Hesitating, she asked,

"Did he ever visit you? I mean, you guys have been friends for so long and-"  

Oh. So everyone knows he and I haven't been on the best terms for a long time.

"No. He didn't."

 "Oh." She said after a while,

"Sorry to have brought that topic up."

 "That's okay. We can't ignore it forever."                                                                                  


Sometime later, by which I mean 4 hours later- we reached our neighbourhood. All along the drive home, we had made small talk and listened to some music. I had missed out on a lot these two years, so Claire filled me in on the latest gossip- well, latest in my context.

 On reaching my house, I didn't know how to feel. I was happy, of course. I could see my mom and my sister, Skylar.

They had visited me for at least a year, but then we found out that mom was schizophrenic and needed treatment. Sky obviously couldn't leave her alone to visit me and so, for the rest of my time in Juvie, I received letter from Sky about mom's condition and other things.  I also felt nervous, scared almost, at the thought of seeing mom like that.

She was always so lively and fun until that one day. 

AUTHORS NOTE: Yay! 40+ reads! :) Thanks to everyone who read it! So yeah here's chapter 1. I will be posting short chapters as of now cause its summer and I'm cramped with work- school projects, an internship (dont know how to feel about that one-I'm quite nervous), other random things :/ 

I think IF I reach maybe 70 reads, I will start uploading on a regular basis :) 

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