Chapter #14

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                              CHAPTER #14

I took the paper out of the typewriter to take a closer look at it. I read the note again.

'Life is everything but a dream, and I'm your nightmare. Ever wonder what's going on when your back is turned? Dying to know who I am and what I'm talking about? You'll find out soon.'

"You still think it's the Blondies?" I asked Ray.

"It might be," he said and shrugged.

"Ray, it's not them and you know it. How do we go about finding who did this?"

"We'll figure it out, don't worry. Give it to me for a second?" I handed it to him. he looked at it intently.

"Okay, I don't know."

"Don't know what?" I asked.

"Don't know who did it. I thought I'd try the handwriting analysis thing they do in movies." I grinned at that.

"Well, you're rubbish at it, I'm afraid."

"Shut up," he said, scowling.

"Z! Z! Where are you?" I heard mom shout. I quickly folded the paper and gave it to Ray. I didn't want mom to see it. I walked over to the kitchen where she was.

"Mom, I'm here. What happened?" I asked, looking at the frenzied gestures she was making.

"Someone's after me. He was right here! He had a knife with him! I don't know what's happening, I-"

"Mom, calm down. Who had a knife? Noah? Maybe it was a butter knife for his toast-"I started babbling. Where was Sky when I needed her?

"It was NOT a butter knife, Z. He had a proper knife, a butcher knife, by the look of it. Do you think I'm crazy? Because I'm not. I'm not imagining things, okay? I know what I saw!" she screamed hysterically.

"Mom, hold on. Let me go look," I said, walking out to the garden. I don't know what I was expecting to see; the retreating figure of a man like last time? Well, there was no one there. It was peaceful; light breeze and the sun was just going down. I waited for another minute or two; just in case someone WAS there. When I was convinced there was no one, I walked back in.

Ray was kneeling down next to mom who was sat on a chair. He was holding her hands and saying something to her that was inaudible to me. I stood behind the door and listened.

"It's okay, Mrs. Blackwell. There's no one here. Lazy will be back any second-"

"You call her lazy?" mom asked.

" Spur of the moment, ma'am. I call her Z."

"Oh, Noah used to call her lazy. So did Aaron. Say, I wonder where that boy is. I haven't seen him in ages. Do you have any idea why he hasn't been coming home lately- what's your name, again?"

"It's Ray. And no, I'm sorry; I don't know anything about Aaron," he replied apologetically.

"That's okay, Ray. Where is Alayzia?"

"Right here, mom," I said, walking out from behind the door. "There's no one there."

She stood up from her chair, almost knocking Ray to the ground.

"I saw him, and I know it."

"Who, mom? Who did you see?"

"Noah. And the intruder."

"But the garden is empty. There is not a single-"

"Where's Sky? I want her here. She understands me better than you ever did and ever will. Call her now," she said, firmly. Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes.

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