Chapter #10

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I knew that note would shake her. I saw her walking out of the building where she had her last class. She was coming out with Ray. Where was that little crony of hers? Why didn’t she come out with her and wait- why does she have a bandage around her head and a bloody nose? She kept looking around every second, restless; maybe she was waiting to see who wrote her that letter. She would obviously never find me. I was too careful for anyone to find me; no one ever could and never will. My eyes never strayed from her and Ray. As I watched them descend the stairs, she suddenly tripped. Almost casually, Ray’s hand went around her shoulders to steady her. She smiled at him with gratitude.

Once they had reached the bottom of stairs, she saw her crony’s car and walked towards it. But not before looking at Ray one last time and for some damn reason, hugging him. He had a surprised expression on his face as he hugged her back and stroked her hair before letting her go. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ and walked towards the car. She was going home; I wonder what had happened at college that day. She got into the car and as they drove off, she waved at Ray. He smiled and waved back. Once they left, he was still grinning to himself.

Some of the girls around flocked to him like he was some celebrity as soon as the car had left the parking lot. He stopped grinning and had an annoyed expression on. One of the girls’ hands went on his shoulder for a second. He roughly pushed it away and started to walk away.

“Hey Ray, just answer something for me?” I saw a blonde girl ask.

“What?” he asked clearly irritated.

“Why on earth do you hang out with geeks like that girl? She’s such a loser for God’s sake. Don’t tell me you didn’t know she was in jail for 2 years. Oh!” she said and dramatically wiped off imaginary sweat off her forehead, “Figures. That’s why you talk to her, don’t you? You pity her-“

“Shut the f*** up. Why I hang out with her is none of your damn business. Now, out of my way before I punch you,” he said, menacingly.

Woah. Defensive. The girl looked appalled. She quickly scurried away. The other girls moved away too.

Well well well, looks like someone has a reputation here in this college. I wasn’t going to let him keep it.

And I wasn’t going to let him keep her, either.


I didn’t know what to think. Who would send a note like that to me? ‘I’m watching you. Always.’ Really? What was that all about? I had a feeling it was Blondie. That female- dog. What was her problem? She was the one who tripped me and gave me a bloody nose and bandaged head in the first place. She can’t write me revenge notes now. Alicia had already gone to the parking lot to get the car. Ray was taking me there. I told him I could get there on my own but he insisted on taking me.

We were out of the building now, walking out in the direction of her car; Ray knew where it was. I suddenly felt dizzy and almost toppled down the stairs.

“Glad I came with you?” he said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I smiled at him and nodded imperceptibly. I saw the car a short distance away. I walked towards the car; and on impulse I turned back and hugged him. He stiffened and then relaxed in a second and hugged me back and stroked my hair slowly

. A minute later, I pulled away, blushing furiously, I presume. He was smiling. I smiled back and mouthed a ‘thank you’. He nodded, still smiling.

I turned away and went and sat in the car. Before pulling away from the parking lot, I waved to him. The last thing I saw was him waving back before he was surrounded by a group of girls. God, they acted like he was some celebrity.

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