Chapter #15

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                             CHAPTER #15

I spent the entire night replaying the events of the day. I didn’t know if I thought it was Noah; I didn’t know what to think. Not knowing what to think has been a routine of some sort these days. I sighed and looked at the time; it was 4:30 in the morning. I got up, freshened up and went down. The house was always still at this time of the day. I slowly creeped into the library, not wanting to wake anyone up.

I went to my favourite shelf; the one with the thrillers. I picked one up and started to read.

“Hey, what are you doing up so early?” I heard Sky ask, groggily; still half- asleep.

“Nothing, I just couldn’t sleep. What about you? Don’t you normally sleep till noon?” I asked.

“Shut up. I heard noises, so I got up. What you reading?” she said, coming over to sit next to me on the couch.

“DID YOU BRUSH OR NOT? DON’T YOU DARE GET YOUR FILTHY GERMS ALL OVER ME YOU DIRTY LITTLE-“I started yelling. She clamped her hand over my mouth and held it there until I calmed down.


“Kay. So did you?” I asked.

“Did I what?”


“Yes, Z. I did,” she said, exasperated.

“Good,” I said, showing her what I was reading.

“Dracula? Really? How many times have you read it?”

“Oh I don’t know. A lot of times?” I grinned.

“Okay, you need a ride today don’t you?”

“Well, if a bunch of zombies don’t come and pile my truncated body into a van, then yes, I do.”

“God, Z. These thrillers are getting to your head, go get ready now. It’s 6 a.m.”

“What? Already?” She nodded and walked up to her room. I put the book back in its place and went up to get ready. I decided to go for a non- goth look today and chose a plain white tee with a light blue shirt to go on top. I put on black jeans and white sneakers to complete my look.

Once I was ready and was done eating, I said bye to mom. She waved and smiled. She was doing okay today; much better than she was yesterday. Schizophrenia has its ill effects but it also makes you forget a lot of things that have happened. We headed out and on the way to college; we listened to old school rock music. Sky opened the door for me, which was quite the unusual thing.

“Um…why the sudden sisterly feelings?” I asked.

“Oh, no reason,” she giggled nervously.

“You can’t pick me up, can you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes into slits.

“You see, I have a few errands that I need to take care of…so yeah. Find a ride, bye!” she said and rode away before I could reply. I stomped into the campus to find Ray and Alicia talking.

“Hey!” Alicia said. I grinned at her and waved at Ray. We shared a look that no one else noticed- I hope. We had decided to tell Alicia; we hadn’t exactly been sharing everything with her lately.

“Okay, looks like you have some explaining to do?”

“Wow, you’re good. Yeah, we do have something to tell you. But not now, okay? We’ll tell you at lunch,” I said. She nodded and we walked into class saying bye to Ray. The entire day had gone quite normally. That Ellie girl hadn’t bothered me again and I was so glad I didn’t have to answer questions about Ray.

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