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Z's POV:

I had tears in my eyes by the time I finished reading the letter. Out of fury or despair, I didn't know. I walked into the hospital building, going straight to where Sky and Noah sat. I handed them the letter; their expressions mirrored mine. Both of them looked as if they were punched in the face. We nodded in mutual consent for me to go and tell Ray.

It is safe to say I've never seen him that upset. Well, who wouldn't be when you found out your cousin was the reason for your mother killing herself. I held his hands as he cried.

Later that night, we went home and found Mom crying. She said she missed Dad. We told her we did too, every single day. Sky, Noah and I stayed with her in her room all night, making her laugh and talking until early in the morning.

Ray got out of the hospital a week later. He came over for dinner with his dad that night. It had been a while since both families had laughed and felt that light.

Aaron was admitted into the hospital two weeks later: a psychiatric ward. He was diagnosed with Manic Depression or Bipolar Disorder. It's strange to think we didn't find out earlier. It was as if nobody knew him anymore. His parents were in a state of shock and told the doctors everything about his behaviour for the past few years, they understood instantly. It's so frightening to think that he was someone else; a completely different person all of a sudden, no connection to who he was before.


Looking at Ray laughing at something Noah had said, it made me wonder. Were there happy endings? Nobody could stay happy forever, same thing with being sad. We write our stories with scenes that made us happy, but also more importantly, things that made us sad and made us stronger. No one thinks they'll be able to get through the hard times, but we do, unconsciously or consciously. It may take what seems like an eternity, but we do have the capability to find the good in a situation and be happy again. I can tell you that for sure. We all carry scars that might never heal, but they show you what you've been through and that is proof that we can mend the wounds and be whole again.

Here we were, sitting in the treehouse after all those years, having fun. We had all been through unimaginable things, and we helped fix each other. Ray put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head lightly, duly noting I was close to crying. I laughed as Noah and Sky teased us, getting up and inviting themselves to join the hug.

No one knows what the future holds for them; we will be unsteady sometimes, but we need to hold on to the tale called life and be on our way.

That's how it goes.

Authors note: *leave me alone in a corner* *crying is happening*

Oh. My. God. I'm  actually finished with this story. I still cannot believe its been two years, one month and seventeen days since I started uploading 'Masked'. It has been such a big part of me, I took it along with me every single day, thinking about the story, the characters, killing them off and of course the ending. I've gotten so attached to these characters and who they are, I consider them to practically be my friends. Maybe not Aaron and Alicia but oh well, you get my drift :P

So yeah, I'm done. Finished. Finito. I have no words to express my gratitude towards everyone who has helped me with this book and of course to every single person who read it. It's been a ride of a lifetime, let me tell you. Sometimes I couldn't write for months but other times, I had ideas every day. And yet, I enjoyed every second of it. Wow, I sound like I'm giving an acceptance speech for a Grammy or something sorry :P I CANT HELP IT, THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO MUCH.

I have an unimaginable amount of love for every single one of you who read the book. I know its something I'll never forget and something I'll carry on forEVER. UGH ITS GOING TO BE SO HARD NOT HAVING IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS WITH THESE GUYS ANYMORE. Well, so it goes. (Has anyone read Slaughterhouse 5, please tell me you have?)

If I go on, I could write an essay, which this is becoming so I will stop. For the last time, thank you so very much. <3 <3 <3 <3


Ananya (yes, finally my name)   :')

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