Chapter #13

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                            CHAPTER #13


“Need a ride?” Ray asked, walking towards his bike.

“Nah, I don’t think so. Let me just ask Sky,” I replied, getting my phone out to send her a message. As I was typing, I looked up to push away a strand of hair that was in my eye. As I did that, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone and unintentionally gasped.

It was Aaron. What was he doing here? How on earth did he know I was in this college? He slowly lifted his hand and waved. I didn’t know if I should have waved or ignored him. He had an expression that basically asked me to go over to where he was.

I couldn’t ignore him; I knew I couldn’t; so why try? I stopped typing, put my phone in my pocket and started to walk towards him. He was smiling sadly. He had grown taller and he looked more muscular than before. His skin had a perfect tan and his hair was cut short. His eyes were shining as I instinctively reached up and hugged him. I had to stand on my toes to reach him; against his 5’11” frame, I was tiny. I knew that hugging him wasn’t the best thing to do, but that was what I needed. These past 2 years had been devoid of a lot of things, one of them being him. I needed a hug from him even if he hadn’t talked to me. He was my best friend; regardless of whatever he did.

I didn’t know what to say just yet, so I just stayed like that. He hugged me back fiercely. A few seconds later, I pulled away and got a good look at his face- his green eyes had dark circles under them; he hadn’t been sleeping. He had a bit of stubble too. He looked tired and sleep deprived.

“Hey there lazy,” he said.

“Hey,” I trailed off.

“How have you been?”

“How can you actually bring yourself to ask me that? How do you think I am?” I said, looking him straight in the eye.

“Can we please talk this through somewhere else? My car’s right there, come on. Please,” he pleaded. I nodded. He put his hand on the small of my back and steered me to his car. I moved away and walked on. I knew he would have a hurt expression on his face; I didn’t want to see it. I knew I was the one to hug him first but, now I realised that I shouldn’t have. He probably thinks I’ve forgiven him and that we’ll be okay, just like that. We weren’t okay, not even close.

We reached his car; he opened the passenger side door for me, closed the door and sat in the driver’s seat. He put the key in ignition.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Taking you home?” he said, looking confused.

“I never said that. Sky’s coming soon. Say whatever you want now,” I said.

“Woah, you were the one who hugged me!”

“I know that. But that doesn’t mean everything goes back to being normal, you know.”

“Yeah, okay. I guess I shouldn’t have expected to go back to the old days so soon,” he said, looking down.

“Yeah, I just need some time, okay?” He nodded in response. I distinctly heard the sound of a bike revving up. I whipped my head and looked out the window, realising I had left Ray alone to come to Aaron. I looked for his shocking red Harley. It wasn’t there. He had probably left. Oh my lord, I felt so guilty.

“I’m sorry for asking you something as stupid as that,” Aaron’s voice broke the silence, disrupting my thoughts. I didn’t know what to say, so I just looked at him fidgeting with his hands.

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