Chapter #28

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AUTHORS NOTE: heyyyy :D Okay a few disclaimers: L.O.N.G. chapter :P if you need a daily dose of cheese, read this :P I TRIED TO MAKE IT CHEESY OKAY IM HORRIBLE AT IT -.- its not my fault. kay bye enjoy ;))

Do open this link, by the way:   Its apparently linked to on the bottom, check it out :)

*couple of weeks later*

I woke up with a jerk as something popped loudly near my ear.

"Happy pre- birthday sissy!" Sky screamed, holding up a popped balloon in her hand. I slapped my forehead and pushed back my hair, grinning.

"Thanks Sky. What time is it anyway? My God, you woke me up at an unearthly hour, man."

"It's six in the morning!" she exclaimed, mocking hurt. I laughed at her expression.

"Okay, fine. I wonder how you will be tomorrow morning. Geez, you're so enthusiastic, I like it."

"Well, you better like it," she said, plopping onto my bed. She lay down next to me. "Oh my God, Z. You'll be 18 tomorrow. You're old."

"Excuse you, speak for yourself. You're 22. You don't have to remind me that I'm slowly losing my childhood, you know," I glared at her. She rolled her eyes and got up.

"Get off the bed lazybones-"


"Shut it. Get your backside off the bed and get ready. You need to get out of the house."

"And here I am, thinking how nice you were being to me."

"Oh get over it. You have a treat in store. Anyway, at least use breakfast as an excuse to wake up. Mom's made something special."

"Well, you should have said that before. I'll be down in half an hour," I gave her a thumbs up. She smiled, shook her head and closed the door on her way out. I groaned and rubbed my eyes to get all the sleep out. I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth and started raiding my closet. I finally decided on blue ripped jeans, a white boxy crop top and matching white sneakers. I left my hair open. Sky had said I had a 'treat in store'; hence demanding an extra thick layer of kohl. I went down; I could smell something great.

"Hey, Z! Come sit," mom pointed to a chair. She planted a pile of French toast with cinnamon; I possess the nose of a hound dog so I know; and a large mug of some caffeinated concoction.

"Yay!" The three of us sat down and polished off the entire plate.

"What now?" I asked, in between sips of the coffee.

"Now, I drop you off at Ray's place," Sky said, getting up.

"What? It's like, three in the morn- fine 7 something. He's going to be asleep."

"Oh no, he won't. He has some stuff planned for you two," she winked.

"Uh- huh. Um, okay," I said, cheeks burning for some reason. Mom burst out laughing and pinched my cheeks.

"Come on, let's get going," Sky dragged me to the door.

"Bye mom! I loved breakfast, I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Have a good day, Z. See you!" I got into the car and slammed the door; hard.

"Your birthday isn't until tomorrow so don't slam it, you freak!"

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