Chapter #12

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                    CHAPTER #12

I was dreaming again- going home to an empty house, finding the note on the fridge, going to the basement to find my family...

I woke up, sweating; again. This was the second time this week. The dreams meant something, for sure. I wasn't the superstitious type but, recurring dreams? About my family being in a mangled state? I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. Stuff like that only happened in movies.

I looked at my phone to see the time; it was 6 a.m. I got up, got ready and just as I was combing through my tangled hair: owing to Ray's Harley; I got a message. It said-

'From: RAYYYY <3

Sub: Hey :D'

I sighed. I replied by saying 'hey'. A few seconds later:

'Need a ride?'

'No thanks. I'd prefer it if my hair stayed in one piece today.'

'You can't have hair in pieces you know.'

'Shut up. Thanks for asking, but Sky's here today. See ya.'

'I'm hurt. You chose your sister over ME?'

'Get over it drama- queen. Bye now, I'm running late.'

'-_- bye.'

I grinned to myself. Irritating him was so much fun. I put my hair in a French braid down my back and went down to breakfast. When I was eating, I noticed a large black box on the stairs. I must have been staring at it for too long. It looked so pretty. Sky sighed and pointed to the box.

"Go on. It's all yours."

"What? Really?"

"Yep. Pre- birthday gifts."

I got up in the middle of eating my pancakes and while walking to the stairs, looked at mom. She was smiling. Oh good, she wasn't mad at me.

"Oh my god, you did NOT."

"I did," Sky replied and grinned at mom.

In the blue box was a beautiful black and pink vintage, manual typewriter. I was going to hyperventilate. It had always been a dream of mine to type my stories on a typewriter. This was amazing!

"Sky! Mom, thank you so much!" I squealed. Both of them laughed and took a bow. I hugged both of them and settled down on the stairs with the typewriter on my lap and a paper in it. I wanted the first sentence that I typed to be special.

'Thank you two so much for this. And for everything else- you know what I mean. I have no time now :P Bye! And thank you again J'

They read it and smiled at me.

"Finish your pancakes, we need to leave in 5," Sky said. Once I was done, I hugged mom again and Sky and I walked out to the car. On the way, we listened to music, as usual. This time it was 'Love runs out' that was played on repeat. We reached the college. I grinned at Sky and told her this was the best gift ever. She laughed and told me she would pick me up today.

I saw Ray at a distance and ran up to him.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what?"

"What, what and what?"

"Wait, I want Alicia to be there too, where is she?"

"Didn't she tell you? She has an appointment with the doctor today too. She must have sent you a message."

"What? Really?" I checked my phone and sure enough there was a message telling me she wouldn't be in college today. I replied to her telling her to take care and that I had something to tell her.

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