Chapter #3

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Sky dragged me up the stairs to my room. I walked up to my room slowly.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Oh and um... there are a few things addressed to you on your bed. They've been coming for a while now," Sky said.

"Oh? Okay."

I didn't really expect much but I sure didn't expect to see a stack of letters on my bed. They were all in the same mahogany coloured envelopes. I took a closer look at them. I thought I would be able to figure out who wrote them by the handwriting, but the writer, quite cleverly, I must say, had used a typewriter. I tore open the one dated two days after I had been sent to Juvie.

I had to read it at least three times to let the words actually sink in. I was confused. At first I thought the letter was written by Aaron Grayson, my best friend. Or rather, was my best friend. He hasn't said a word to me in the past two years, so I ruled out that possibility. My next immediate thought was that the letters were from dad. He'd been gone for so long. Why would he send me a letter after all this time? Maybe-okay, I was really tired. I figured I'd take a nap seeing that it was only 2:30 p.m. I would deal with these letters later.

"Hey Sky, I'm taking a nap! I'll eat when I'm up!"

"Okay! We're not waiting for you!" Sky hollered back.

"Okay okay. Gosh, you don't have to scream, you know."

"You started it!"

"Never mind," I muttered.


By the time I woke up, it was still sunny. Thank God. I hadn't slept through an entire day. I walked down the stairs at my own pace. The table was empty. Huh.


"What?" Sky came into the kitchen with her headphones around her neck and iPod in her hand.

"You could have just put some food on the table you know. I'm starved!"

"Well. You've been asleep for 3 hours now-"

"Woah, wait. 3 hours? Are you kidding me? It's 5:30 in the evening? It's almost time for dinner then!"

"I see you haven't gotten rid of your eating obsession."

"For the last time- its. not. an. obsession. I just happen to love food."


"Shut up, you two. Sky, get the girl some food," said mom.

"Fine," Sky grumbled.


After a grumbling Sky had served me food, I walked out into our garden. I spotted the treehouse that Aaron and I had made when we were kids, with my brother Noah's help. 

Memories of the two of us playing and spending literally all our time together in there flooded my mind.

Noah was there too. The three of us had so much fun there. Noah was all I thought of in jail. It still hasn't sunk in that he was gone and I won't ever see him again. I don't think I can ever be my old self again. I loved him, he was always there for me; we did fight and we also said some pretty bad things about each other but I never thought that one day, I would be all alone with no one to insult, no one to have fun with and most importantly, no one to talk to. Of course I had Sky, but sometimes, an older brother is what you need. I walked away from there trying to get my mind off these things. I realized that tears were threatening to spill out; I quickly blinked them back. I spotted the old stone bench where we used to sit every evening. I walked over; there was a light breeze. The leaves rustled and that's when I heard the footsteps.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hellooo! :) Thank you so much to everyone who's reading this! When I decided that getting 50 reads would be amazing and quite honestly, impossible. And now I have 140+ OHMYGOD. I cant thank you guys enough :') 

Anyway, I'm having a looot of fun at my internship. Okay then, I have nothing else to say. 

Oh, yes I do. 


Problem- Ariana Grande

Sam Tsui- Talk dirty (cover) 

Sam Tsui- Mirrors (cover)

Check this guy out. HE.IS.GENIUS. 

YOUTUBE VIDEOS-         JOEY GRACEFFA. ALFIE DEYES. <3 *makes googly eyed face*           <3 :D 

Thats all folks :P 



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