Chapter #5

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I didn't think my return home would start like this. Now I was staring at the back of the slowly retreating man. The envelope he had dropped was still in my hand. I slowly opened it and started to read. It was a page long letter, so I read through it quite fast.

When I finished, I didn't know what to think. The first time I saw the stack of letters, I had a sliver of hope that they were from Aaron. On reading them, I decided against that possibility. He thinks I'm a murderer; why would he send me letters? I still can't believe he hasn't tried to contact me even once. I guess people do change. I just didn't think Aaron of all people would choose not to believe me. I wish I could see him just once and tell him I'm innocent. How could he even get the thought of me killing someone, let alone my own brother? Even if I do see him, I doubt he'd even give me a chance to talk.

With all these thoughts weighing on my mind, I slowly folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. The sun was setting and I realized that it must be getting late. I figured that spending some more time here won't hurt. I was just walking over to the bench when I heard-

"Z! Dinner's ready!"

I sighed. I wanted to sit here and just, I don't know... think. I'll just stay here for another ten minutes. I sat there, wondering who sent an old fashioned letter instead of an email or text. Who even has the patience to post a letter anymore?

Oh my god. I'm overthinking this. I should probably just go inside and relax. So I did. I sat down to dinner. Mom and Sky were already there.

"Mom, why do we have four plates? Is someone joining us?"

Sky glared at me. What? Was I not supposed to ask her that?

"It's for Noah," mom replied.

Sorry, what? Why did she just say that?

"What? Mom, Noah's-"

"Not here yet. He will be. I made his favourites," mom cut me off.

I didn't know what to do or say. I looked at Sky, hoping to get some answers. She looked away with a sad expression.

What the hell is happening?

"Alayzia, would you be a dear and go get the pudding? It's on the kitchen counter. Oh and get the bowls too," mom said and smiled.

I forced a smile and got up. On the counter was a giant bow of chocolate pudding. I took everything and went to the table.

"Mom, why do you have so much pudding? You can feed the whole neighbourhood-"

"You know how hungry Noah can get. And you just came home. That deserves a celebration, don't you think?"

Suddenly, mom's face just lit up and she said,

"Noah! I'm so happy you're here. Look, your sister's back home. Come sit. I made all your favourites."

I stared at Sky. She was smiling at the empty chair. She suddenly looked at me and gave me an expression that said 'I'll explain everything later'. I sat down on my assigned chair and stared at all the food. Mom smiled and told me to help myself. I served myself one spoonful of mashed potato, a few peas and a piece of chicken. I loved everything, but I seemed to have lost my appetite. I slowly put one pea in my mouth. I felt sick.

"Alayzia, stop messing with your food," mom said.

I muttered a sorry and went back to picking at my food. I somehow managed to finish whatever was on my plate and was about to excuse myself when mom said,

"Is that all? Why don't you take some more mashed potato? It's your favourite, isn't it?"

I was going to tell her I wasn't hungry, but she looked so happy that I didn't want to upset her. I just had to serve myself some more. When I was done with that, I excused myself from the table and put my plate away.

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