Chapter #26

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*unexpected swearing ahead. sorry not sorry I couldnt help it*



She sat in front of me, deep in thought. I looked at her still faintly red eyes and wondered if there was any other reason for her crying. I brushed it off and just blamed it on Aaron and Alicia. Those a-holes. I didn't know what I would do if I saw either of them. An idea popped into my head. What if I paid him a visit? Maybe I could drag some information out of him. Maybe-

"Ugh, I'm so tired," she said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Sleepyhead," I said, flicking her head.

"Ow!" she cried, wrestling me. My head was hanging off the bed and she was on top of me, trying to choke me, I suppose.

"I can't breathe, you know," I said, attempting to pull her hands off my neck. A while later; she stopped choking me and moved on to slamming my chest, full force.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, succeeding in getting her hands off. She glared at me before sitting down next to my legs.

"Sorry," she muttered. I stayed lying down and took her hand.

"S'okay. Please tell me you're done venting out your anger though." She laughed and nodded. We stayed there for a while until she spoke up.

"You know, I feel like we haven't done anything to find Noah so far. I KNOW he's alive; we just have to find him. Okay, not JUST know."

"I get what you mean but, just think about it. You haven't exactly been 'free' lately. You know what I mean? With all this crap from Aaron and Alicia and-"

"Being drugged and-"

"Woah, stop. You never did tell me about that." She sighed and adjusted herself so she had one hand on my stomach and one on her legs.

"So, after the...conversation with you about Aaron, I called Alicia. Wait, hold on. Confirm something for me. On the day I came to see the college, I saw you and I thought I knew you from somewhere. Tell me where."

"What? Um, I don't know. Maybe at one of Aaron's parties."

"Wait, I remember seeing you crying once. I think it was you. The party was at this-"

"Huge place with trees and benches and a tiny pool? Yeah that was me."

"Why were you crying? I don't know why I remember that one day; I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's okay; it's not your fault. It was sometime after my mom left us. I didn't want to go to this stupid party but dad said it could be a change for me. So I went. Aaron was obviously too caught up with everything and he didn't even say 'Hi' to me. I didn't know anyone; nobody knew me. I sat in a corner and...well, cried. I was young and I didn't really know what was happening, so yeah."

"What did you do then? Why didn't you leave?"

"Because, a wonderful person; namely, you; came up to me and started talking."

"Are you serious? Me? Are you sure? Because I can't seem to remember any of that. I just remember seeing you there," she said, looking shocked. I grinned.

"Yeah, it was you. You offered me food and told me to man up and stop crying. When I didn't stop crying, you joined me. A while later, you sort of smacked my head and told me to stop," I said, laughing at the memory. She grinned sheepishly.

"Heh, sorry about that."

"Forget about it. Continue the other story now," I said, adjusting a little so my head wasn't dangling from the edge of the bed anymore.

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