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I hope you all like this first chapter! About 20 people on Instagram said they wanted this book so here it is. I will be relying on requests a lot to keep this book going though. Enjoy :)

Everly's POV
I wake up and smell burning so I run downstairs and see Dad with a frying pan.

"Oh my god you made me think the whole street was on fire, Dad!" I groan.

"I'm cooking." Dad says.

"Cooking or ruining the kitchen?"

"A bit of both." Dad grins.

"What are you even trying to make?" I ask.

"Pancakes with bacon and syrup and I was attempting a fruit salad as well." Dad says.

"Wow. Why's Mom mad at you?" I ask, grabbing an apple from the bowl.

"She isn't." Dad says, confused.

"Oh, I just assumed you'd pissed her off so you were making an apology breakfast." I shrug.

"Dollar in the swear jar!" Jake says, running through the kitchen to the playroom.

"My apology breakfasts are always on point." Dad says.

"You're right. Can you make Mom mad please? We haven't had pastries in a long time." I say.

"Watch it you." Dad smirks.

"You love it really." I laugh.

"Jake, get back in here please buddy." Dad calls into the playroom and Jake runs in.

"Everly!" Jake giggles, running around the kitchen island to hug me.

"Hi Jakey." I smile, hugging him back.

"Daddy, where's Teagal?" Jake asks.

"Still sleeping." Dad says.

"Nope! I'm right here!" Teagal smiles, jumping on me.

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

"Everly, we talked about this. When a man and a woman love each other very much they have a special cuddle-" Dad starts and I cover my ears.

Mom walks downstairs and I uncover my ears.

"Michael, I thought we collectively decided that I was in charge of the S-E-X talk." Mom says, hugging me and then picking Teagal up.

"S-E-X?" Jake asks, jumping on the couch.

"What's S-E-X?" Teagal asks, looking at Mom.

"Nothing for my little boys to worry about." Mom says, kissing his head. "Jake can you please get off the couch."

"But I'm jumping." Jake says, bouncing on the couch.

"That's the problem. Sit on the couch or don't go on the couch at all." Mom says.

"But I wanna jump." Jake whines, getting off the couch and tugging on Mom's robe.

"You have a trampoline outside." Dad says.

"You said we're not allowed without a sensible adult." Teagal says.

"You won't find any sensible adults in this house." I smirk.

"I'm starving." Mom says.

"The kitchen smells like smoke." Teagal says, wrinkling his nose.

"I was making breakfast." Dad says.

"I'm surprised we even have a kitchen left." Mom teases.

Jake jumps into my arms.

"I'm hungry." Teagal says.

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