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Everly's POV
Carrie and I are waiting outside school to get picked up.

"Are you staying over tonight?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure I am. My dad is bringing Flyer over too." Carrie says.

"Yay! I love your puppy more than you." I joke.

"I love your clothes more than you." Carrie says, looking down at my hoodie that she's wearing.

"It looks better on you anyway." I say.

"So I can keep it?" Carrie asks smiling.

"Not a chance! Get your own." I say, shoving her gently.

"Meanie. Are you seeing Aby again this weekend?" Carrie asks.

"No, she's upstate visiting family. Are you seeing Kaden?" I ask.

"Maybe on Sunday night." Carrie grins.

"You two are so disgusting." I frown.

"You and Aby will get to our stage too. Just wait." Carrie smirks.

We see Ari's car pull up.

"Shotgun!" I yell and run to the front seat.

"Bully." Carrie murmurs, getting in the backseat.

"You could show my car doors a little more respect, girlies." Ari says and we laugh.

"Soz." Carrie says.

"It's chill. Have either of you got any gum?" Ari asks.

"Here." Carrie says, tossing me a packet to give her a piece.

"Thanks." Ari says taking it from me.

"Ev, turn the music up." Carrie says.

"Alright." I say, turning the volume up.

We all start singing along to 'Yes, And' while Ari drives.

"By the way, we're stopping at Walmart because I need more formula for Lottie so you two can pick out some candy." Ari says.

"Why are you pretending to be cool?" I ask.

"I am cool, Everly." Ari says.

"You're cooler than Liz." Carrie says.

"That's not hard." Ari laughs.

We get back home and there's an 80's playlist on through the speakers.

"The girls are here!" Dad yells when we walk in the kitchen.

"Hi Michael. I'll run upstairs and check on the little ones." Ari says, walking out.

"Are we having spaghetti, Mike?" Carrie asks.

"We sure are." Dad smiles.

"Awesome!" Carrie grins, running to the bathroom.

"Everly!" Jake runs in.

"Hey!" I hug him.

"Teagal wants you to do painting with us." Jake says.

"I'll be there in a minute, okay?" I tell him and he nods and runs off.

"There's snacks in the fridge, Ev." Dad says.

"Thanks. Where's mom?" I ask, grabbing a fruit cup and a Sprite.

"She's upstairs with Maisy." Dad says.

"I'll go say hi." I head upstairs to Maisy's bedroom.

Mom is sitting on the floor inside with Maisy on her legs and supporting her back.

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