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Everly's POV
I'm walking out of school with Carrie.

"I'm so glad it's Friday." Carrie says.

"Same. And it's Halloween tomorrow." I say.

"We're all staying at yours, right?" Carrie asks.

"Yeah. You're staying at mine tonight, too." I say.

"Since when?" Carrie asks.

"Since just now." I say.

A group of girls walk past us.

"Ugh, everyone in this school is so fake." Carrie says.

Carrie's friend walks past.

"Hey Carrie." She smiles.

"Hey hun." Carrie smiles.

"See you on Monday." She walks away.

"Stupid bitch." Carrie mumbles and I burst out laughing.

"Did you get any detentions today?" I ask her.

"Five." Carrie says.

"Five?!" I exclaim.

"But two of them weren't my fault." Carrie says.

"What about the other three?" I ask.

"My math homework wasn't up to standards but that's because I did it in the corridor before the class, the note for Phys Ed that I wrote for myself was too informal so they saw straight through it, and the last one was for telling Brittany that her tan is faker than her Gucci purse and her ass is flatter than a fried egg." Carrie explains and I laugh.

"You didn't actually say those things to Brittany, did you?" I ask, laughing.

"Of course I did." Carrie says.

"Brittany Walsh?" I ask.

"Yeah." Carrie says.

"The girl who home wrecked 21 relationships and pushed Miss Carter in the pool?" I ask.

"Yeah." Carrie says.

"Why did you tell her that?" I ask.

"She was being really rude to the 7th graders that came to watch a concert." Carrie says.

"Your Dad is gonna kill you, Carrie." I say.

"Doubt it. He'll probably just offer to film my next YouTube video for me." Carrie says, opening a candy bar.

"Your next video?" I ask as Carrie snaps the bar in half.

"Which you're gonna be in." Carrie smiles, bopping my nose and handing me half of the candy bar.

"Really?" I ask.

"Uh huh. We're gonna sing 'Haunted Heart'." Carrie says.

"From the Addam's family cartoon?" I ask and Carrie nods.

"It's the opening song. I'm gonna ask your Mom if we can film it in the basement." Carrie says.

"Never ask. Just do it and face the consequences later." I say and Carrie laughs. "Besides, the basement is all decorated for Halloween."

"It always is." Carrie laughs.

We get home and I unlock the door.

"You'll have to be quiet because Mom might be sleeping." I say.

"No problem." Carrie says.

"Hiya girls! How was your day?" Mom asks, smiling from where she's stood in the kitchen.

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