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Liz's POV
I'm clearing out the kitchen to start boxing things up because we're moving out in two days.

"Michael Corcoran!" I yell, seeing Michael run around carrying a box with Jake inside.

"Hey babe." Michael smiles.

"Put that cardboard box down and do so carefully!" I tell him.

"But mommy it's a spaceship." Jake pouts, climbing out of the box.

"Jake's going to be our little astronaut." Michael says.

"Not on my watch. Jake, have you and Teagal decided if you want to share a bedroom in the new house?" I ask.

"We're still choosing." Jake says and runs out of the kitchen.

"What's with all the boxes?" Michael asks, grabbing two bottles of juice and handing me one.

"Okay, it's big news so get ready... we're actually moving house in two days. Crazy, right?!" I say sarcastically.

"I know that." He laughs, kissing me. "I mean, why are there so many boxes? I thought we were leaving some things here."

"We are, but some things are going into storage so I need to label those boxes up as well." I explain.

"You want help?" Michael asks.

"Can you take Everly to the garage and have her decide if her old toys and clothes are coming to the new place or going to storage?" I ask.

"Anything for you." Michael kisses me and then heads out.

"Lizzy lizard!" Matt sings skipping into the kitchen.

"Ew." I frown.

"I got your email of our color coded job list." Matt laughs.

"What's funny about that, Matt?" I ask.

"Nothing!" He jumps on my back.

"Touch me again and I'll smack you." I warn.

"Is that what you say to Michael?" Matt teases.

"Stop bothering me!" I groan.

"I've finished my jobs so I have no choice but to bother you." Matt says, fluffing my hair.

"I'll tell you what you can do. Start making a dinner with the food left in the refrigerator and pantry because we can't take it with us and I'm not throwing it out." I say.

"What food is there?" Matt asks.

"I don't know, look around." I shrug.

"Okay... we've got cereal, chicken, ice cream and carrots." Matt lists. "So you can look forward to a soggy froot loop coated chicken breast with boiled carrots and vanilla ice cream."

"I think I just threw up." I cringe.

"Let's just order food." Matt says.

"We'll end up doing that anyway. Can you check the freezer in the garage?" I ask.

"Sure thing, boss." Matt smiles and leaves.

Teagal walks in carrying Maisy.

"Hi you two!" I take Maisy from him.

"Where's Jake?" Teagal asks.

"He's upstairs putting the Lego structures into boxes." I say.

"Did he touch my Legos?" Teagal asks.

"I'm not sure, baby." I say.

"There's no way we're sharing a bedroom if he did!" Teagal yells and runs upstairs.

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