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Michael's POV
We slowly walk downstairs.

"What's going on?" Matt asks.

"Liz's water broke." I smile.

The girls gasp.

"Congratulations!" Matt grins.

"You win." Everly says, handing Carrie $15.

"What?" Jake and Teagal ask.

"I'm having the baby." Liz smiles.

Everly's POV
I'm sat outside Mom's hospital room with Jake in my lap and Carrie next to me playing thumb war with Teagal.

"It's been ages!" Jake groans.

"Why is the baby being so slow?" Teagal complains.

"It's not easy to have a baby, you know." I laugh.

"Do you think Mommy's in pain?" Teagal asks.

"Mommy's brave." Jake says.

"Yeah, 'coz she had her appendicitis out." Teagal says.

"I think you mean appendix." Carrie laughs.

"Fuck off!" We hear Mom yell from her room, followed by Ariana quickly walking out.

"You weren't required in there then, no?" I ask smirking.

"No. And your Dad will be next to leave." Ari laughs.

"Where's my Dad?" Carrie asks.

"He and Dalton are in the kids ward at the daycare playpen activity thing with Taylor, Rose and Lottie." Ari waves her off.

"There's an activity centre?!" Carrie asks.

"Yeah, it's just down the hall." Ari says.

"I don't think they'll let a 15 year old in, Car." I laugh.

"I'm so hungry." Ari groans.

"Me too." Carrie says.

"Imma go pick up food from some place round here. You kids good with tacos?" Ari asks.

"Yeah for sure." I say and we all nod.

"Can I come with you?" Jake asks.

"Of course." Ari says.

"I wanna come!" Teagal says.

"Let's go!" Ari says and the three of them walk down the hall.

"This baby really needs to get a move on." Carrie huffs.

"I don't even know how long it's been." I sigh.

"We got here four hours ago and Liz has been in labour for even longer than that." Carrie says.

"Ugh. I just wanna meet the baby." I say.

"I swear the baby is meant to come faster the more kids you have." Carrie says and I laugh.

"I don't think that's true." I say.


I'm lying on the chairs with my head in Carrie's lap. Jake and Teagal are asleep on Matt. Ari is feeding Lottie and Dalton has Taylor in one arm and Rose in the other.

"Do you think everything's okay?" Matt asks.

"It's almost been 14 hours since her water broke." Dalton says.

"It's Liz's fourth baby, she knows how this rolls." Ari says.

"Yeah but almost 14 hours is a really long time." I say.

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