Chapetr four

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Isa and I enter the big house laughing. Isa wears a beautiful light blue dress with a pair of Nike Airforces. I am dressed with a pair of wide blue jeans that have cuts everywhere, a black crop top, and my white Nike blazers. My wavy hair is down. I am not too dressed up; I always wear comfortable clothes; that is something no one will change. As we enter we are greeted by a short girl with blonde hair and green eyes, if I remember right her name is Adelaide, I think this is her house.

"Hello, lovely!" I hear James and he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me into a hug.

"Hi," I say.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Isa says and winks.

I watch her as she gets lost in the crowd. The music is really loud.

"Wanna grab a drink?" James asks. I nod. As we head to the kitchen I catch Atlas frowning, he probably is angry because I didn't want to play pretend. Idiot.

James grabs two bears and hands me one.

"Let's go outside," he says and takes my hand.

I take a sip of the alcohol and I feel a sting in my neck as I swallow it.

James sits on a chair next to the pool and puts me on his lap. I am not sure that I want a relationship, but I don't mind having a short make-out sesh.

I place my beer on the ground next to his. His hand goes from my knee up to my waist and starts doing little circles on my back. I position myself on his lap as he gets closer to me. He presses his lips on mine and I slowly open my mouth and his tongue meets mine, in a passionate kiss. Probably I was supposed to feel butterflies at the way his hands move around my back and legs, or how his tongue meets mine, and his breathing gets harder every time I get closer to him, but I got nothing.

After long minutes of making out, I get up from his lap.

"I'm going to the bathroom"

I find my way through the crowd, and I wait in line. I hear some girls talking in the bathroom about how hot Atlas and my brother are. Of course, they think they are hot, every single girl you ask in this school, who their crush is the answer is this duo.

When they finally leave, I close the door behind me and lock it. I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. My lips are bright pink from all the kissing. I stare at my neck, at the hickey that James left there. Shit! My brother will have something to say about this.

My eyeliner is still perfect and my mascara it's not all over my face.

Grey is not at the party, after the game ended and they won, he said he is tired. Atlas will give me a ride home. Wonderful!

I wash my hands again and then leave.

I don't like James, I mean he is a great kisser, but I didn't feel anything, Grey would be so happy when he hears about this.

As I walk around the dark hallway a strong arm slides me into another dark room and slams me against the door. I don't need to see him to know who he is.

The room is lit a little bit by a lamp that is right outside the window.

Atlas rests his hands on the door on each side of my head, trapping me.

"What do you want?" I ask and my breathing betrays me as it gets heavier.

"Are you going out with him?" he asks his voice deep.

"No, I don't like him," I say, why do I even explain myself to him?

He gets closer to me, his face a few inches away from mine.

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