Chapter twenty

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My heart breaks into million pieces. I close her door and head downstairs, with the biggest ache in my chest.

"The game is about to start!" Jake speaks but I shake my head.

"My mom called me. I need to go" I lie and they groan in frustration. I quickly grab my jacket and put on my shoes. "See ya on Monday!" I tell them and rush out of the house.

I enter my car and start the engine. With tears clouding my vision, I drive off. How can I be this idiotic? How could I break her heart? I frequently hit the steering wheel while my foot presses even more on the gas pedal.

Tears come down my cheeks as my sobs take over my ears, not able to hear the car's engine anymore. She was a mess. She was a ghost. Life was going on, but she was standing there. All because of me. All because I didn't delete that girl's number. What happened at that goddamn party was because of me. I destroyed her.

Her beautiful blue eyes which once used to spark, hold no emotion. I look at her and see nothing. It's like the person I see every day is just a corpse. Nothing more.

I hate myself for this. I hate myself for everything.

I finally enter my driveway and slow down the speed. I stumble to go inside the house. The lights are off, and everyone is asleep. The house is intruded upon by footsteps and sobs. All coming from me. I broke the silence like I break everything in my life.


Monday came around fast, and here I am, getting out of my car in the school's parking lot. I haven't done much this weekend. Just stress the shit out of myself after what happened with Maeve. I see Grey's car parked somewhere close to the entrance, but he and his sister are nowhere to be seen. I take a look at the clock and now I understand why the parking lot is so empty. It's a quarter past eight. Shit! I have math and the teacher hates when we are late. I rush into the school and start running in the corridors since the classroom is on the other side of the building.

When I take a left, my body hits something, and I hear someone hit the ground. I look down and find Maeve sitting on her bottom with all her books scattered across the floor.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" I say, getting down on one knee and grabbing her books. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! I need to get to my class, and I'm already late!" she mumbles. Her now brown hair is in a lazy bun, she wears a pair of sweatpants, and a hoodie that I now realize is mine, everything is baggy on her, but she still manages to look so hot. My smile fades when I see her glaring at me.

"Give me the goddamn book, Atlas!" she demands, raising her voice at me. I snap out of my trance and give her the chemistry book.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" someone's voice is heard from across the corridor. El and I stand up in a second and look toward the teacher.

"Are you skipping class?" he says while getting close to us.

"No, sir. We are late and I accidentally bumped into her!" I say, defending us.

"Detention. One hour, both of you in the library after classes!" he says, and our jaws drop.

"We didn't do anything!" Maeve says.

"Fine! Make it two hours for talking back, Miss Avery! Now go to your classes!" the teacher says and walks away. I let out a groan. Detention is the last thing want right now.

"This is all your fault!" she tells me before walking away, and I think there is a bigger meaning behind her words.

I continue my way toward math and finally enter the class. I sit down next to Grey and take off my hoodie. I am now just in my Nike sweatpants and a basic wide white shirt. I run my hand through my hair a few times, take out my notebook and pen and start writing what's on the board.

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