Chapter sixteen

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I open the door to our house and smell something delicious. Ice comes running towards me when I take off my shoes, and he starts sniffing and licking me.

"Hi, love! Is mom cooking something?" I say in a childish voice. "Mom?" I yell in the silent house.

The door to the kitchen opens, and Jackson, my mom's boyfriend, comes out smiling.

"Hi, kiddo! How was school?" he asks, coming close and giving me a hug.

"It was good, stressful, but it was ok. Glad the week is done." I say while pulling away from the hug.

I like Jack. He's a great guy and doesn't have a problem spending time around Grey and me. He occasionally comes over to our house, but our mother does everything for us not be around. It's like she wants to act like she doesn't have children.

"Is mom in the kitchen?" I ask Jack as I grab my backpack.

"Yes, she's making dinner. Where's your brother?"

"He went over to Atlas's. I think he will come home in like an hour or something." I inform him making my way towards the stairs with Ice after me.

"Can you call him and tell him to get home earlier. Your mother and I have an announcement to make. Also, I got you something. It's in your room!" he says, and I nod.

He got me something? I like when people make me surprises. Jack knows that and every time he has a chance, he gets me something nice. He always treats Grey and me like we are his own children since we have an absent father and he doesn't have kids.

I open the door to my bedroom and I find sitting on the back of my desk chair a beautiful red shirt. It has an icon on the back that is the same color. I look closely and I recognize the brand. It's Ferrari. I let out a little laugh as a smile plays on my face. Atlas is so going to love this shirt. I'm not into Formula 1, but in the past few weeks, Atlas talked so much about this sport that I learned a few things. A warm feeling starts spreading in my heart as I take the shirt in my hands. I've never felt this with my father.

I pull out my phone and dial my brother as I fold the shirt and put it in the closet.

"Hello, love! You got home safe?" Atlas says on the other line and I let out a laugh.

"Yes. Can you put my brother on the phone, please?" I say and he groans then I hear shuffling and voices talking.

"Yes, M! What is it?"

"Jack told me to tell you to come home, he and mom have something to tell us." I say and I know he is confused too.

We never have dinner together. Mom eats when she gets home and Grey and me together. We eat at the same table only when we go to grandma's house.

"That's weird!" my brother says and I hum.

"Well you should start heading out, you don't want to be late. Mom seems in a good mood and I can't deal with fights right now!" I tell him and hung up.

Our mother always gets mad at us when we don't act the way she wants. I have to admit I don't like when someone tells me what to do and she wants me to do everything she says. Most of the time we get into a huge fight and Grey has to calm us down, but he ends up in the same situation and we all start yelling at each other. What a great household!

I enter my bathroom, leaving Ice in my bedroom, and turn on the water to take a hot shower. I need to clear my mind, I already came home angry from school and I need to make sure I don't do anything reckless with mom. That, and also the fact that Isa comes over in like two hours and she will spend the night.

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