Chapter nineteen

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I turn around and find the bed empty. Good! The only things I recall from last night are that I drank way too much, a boy got me into a room and drugged me, and that Atlas took care of me.

Flashbacks from last night make their way into my head, and my stomach drops to my feet. God! What would've happened if Atlas didn't come?

I throw the covers away from me and get up from the bed, groaning. While going down the stairs, all I can think about is that boy. Who would've thought that someone who appeared so likable would have such dark thoughts? I guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

I enter the kitchen and find Atlas standing in front of the stove, cooking something that smells delicious. My head pumps and hurts like hell.

I sit down at one of the chairs from the counter island. "Morning," I say, resting my head in my hands. Thank God it's Saturday!

"I didn't hear you coming. I made you coffee. I am sure that you need plenty!"

Atlas places a pancake on a plate and puts them in the middle of the counter.

"Are these for both of us?"

He nods. I let my head down on the counter. I feel like someone is punching every fucking nerve in my head.

"Come on, love, drink this. You'll feel better!" Atlas says while I take a sip of the coffee. He made it strong.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks, and I want to yell at him. Why is he so nice? Did he forget what he did?

I frown at the cup of coffee.

"It was ok," I answer, raising my shoulders. I am still processing what happened last night and the fact that I had a dream.

"Where's my phone?" I ask as he places an empty plate and a fork in front of me.

"I charged it in the morning. I think Grey is worried," he says as he grabs my phone from the pocket of his sweatpants. I realize just now that he is shirtless. Wonderful! This makes everything harder than it already is.

I pick it up and I find fifty missed calls from Grey and ten from Isa. I also have messages from both of them. Isa informed me that Grey called her and that she told him that I'm at her house. Good! I don't want my brother to find out where I was last night.

I dial Grey's number, he picks up immediately.

"What the hell happened to you, Maeve?" he yells, and I need to take the phone away from my ear for a few seconds. "You scared the shit out of me! Why didn't you answer your phone? Do you have any idea how scared I was?"

"Grey calm down! I am fine. My battery died last night when I got home with Isa." I state with a raspy voice. I catch Atlas smirking when I lie to Grey about where I am. What is his problem? "I will be home in the afternoon"

"Why didn't you wait for me?" he questions. I can tell that he is suspicious.

"I was drunk and I didn't want mom to see me, you know how she reacts..." I speak and he hums in response.

"Fine, we will talk when you get home," he says and hangs up.

I let out a groan setting my head in my hands.

"Come on, love. Eat!" Atlas says, putting his hand on my back. God! How can I kill someone without actually killing them? Now he calls me love? After what he's done?

"Was I a pain in the ass last night?" I ask as I start eating a pancake.

"No, you were alright"

We eat in silence. There were a lot of things that I want to tell him, but right now, I just want to rest. I want to make everything quick. Finish eating and just go home and lay in my bed. The weird feeling in my stomach is still there from the moment I woke up. Why do bad things have to happen every time I'm happy?

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