Chapter eleven

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A month went by and December came. One more day and it's Christmas.

Everything went back to normal with Atlas. He still came over to our house with the others, but nothing happened. A part of me is sad because the few weeks we spent close with each other reminded me of the time when we were inseparable.

I get up from my bed and I freeze when I open the curtains. Everything outside my window is covered in snow. A big smile spreads on my face.

"Grey Jacob Avery" I yell as I leave my room.

I burst open his door. "You are not going to believe this," I say as I go and shake him.

"What do you want, Maeve?" He says covering his head with a pillow.

"Get up and watch this," I say as I open his curtains too.

He groans as the light hits his face. Grey comes next to me rubbing his face and his eyes widen when he sees the snow.

"Am I dreaming?" he says gripping the window frame.

"I know, right?" I say as I go next to him.

In my entire life, I have never seen snow in Ocean View. Usually, in the winter, it rains badly and that's it.

Grey puts a t-shirt on and grabs my arm.

"Let's go outside," he says.

"Are you crazy?" I say as I stop by the stairs. "Outside are for sure forty degrees and we are wearing pajamas!"

"Come on!" he pleads like a child.

I don't answer I just wrap my arms in front of me. Grey yanks me from the ground and starts running downstairs.

"You will regret this" I yell as he sets me down on the front porch. The cold air hits my face and makes me shiver.

Grey walks around the front porch looking mesmerized by the snow. Everything looks so peaceful and beautiful.

"Let's go get mom," I say and the smile drops from Grey's face.

"Let's go inside, it's cold," he says when he sees me shivering.

We enter the house and head towards the kitchen. I start making hot chocolate. What could be better than drinking hot chocolate while outside is snowing?

"What happened?" I ask as I lift myself on the counter and Grey sits on one of the chairs from the kitchen island.

"Mom's not home" it's all he says.

"What do you mean she is not home? Where is she?"

"She went on a trip with her boyfriend and his family" he simply says and my jaw drops.

"What? What about us?"

"She left yesterday night, she's going to come back after New Year's Eve, I think she said something about January the fifth" Grey says and I feel my eyes getting watery.

"Isn't Christmas supposed to spend with your family?" I ask loudly.

"I guess she does not want to spend Christmas with this family," he says and I can see the disappointment on his face.

"Where did she go anyways?" I ask.

"New York." my brother says and he rolls his eyes.

"I always wanted to spend Christmas there..." I say as I put hot milk in two cups.

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