Chapter twenty-seven

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I finish my braid and leave it on my back. I pull it a little so it's not too tight, and two strings of hair fall on my face, to top everything I put on a basic white cap.

It's ten am and we're getting ready to go to the beach. Despite the month, we're in it's hot. There are almost eighty-six degrees. I already put on my black swimsuit and white sun dress- an oversized satin shirt.

"How do I look?" I say turning so Atlas can see me.

He raises his eyes from his phone and scans me from head to toe. His eyes move painfully slow across my body.

"Damn" he whispers while his eyes stop on my breasts.

"My eyes are up here," I say snapping my fingers and he shoots his eyes back at mine.

"You look beautiful, too beautiful," Atlas tells me, standing up and walking closer.

He sneaks his arm around my waist and pulls me into a kiss.

"We don't have time for this, we're already late," I mumble against his soft lips.

He lets out a groan stepping away and grabbing the beach bag.

"You always spoil my fun. Do we have everything?"

"Yep" I answer grabbing my phone and sunglasses.

We make our way toward the lobby where Eleanor, Alexander, and Michael wait for us.

Today it's the qualifying day for tomorrow's race, and the cars can be heard from everywhere. The traffic is blocked in almost half of the city since the race will take place on the streets.

Since the beach it's close to the hotel there's no need for us to take the car, that and the fact that the few streets that function are really busy.

Alexander and Eleanor walk in front of us with Michael between them, holding his hands, while Atlas and I stay behind, admiring the view in silence. My boyfriend has one arm around my shoulders, holding our bag with the other.

"Remind me again why we needed to carry this with us," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Because  we need towels for when we get out of the water if we swim and for the sunbeds, also I brought my portable charger because your battery always dies, sunscreen for the sun, a cap for you because the sun is strong and my book." I explain letting out a sigh "you can't go to the beach in a pair of shorts, a towel, and your phone."

"You thought of everything, didn't you?"

"Of course I did, I always do," I say waving my hand in the air.

Atlas bends his head down and places a soft kiss on my temple. "I love you"

"I love you too," I say back smiling.

We walk for five more minutes and we end up in the harbor.

"What are we doing here? Weren't we going to the beach?" I ask confused.

"We will, but right now we're going to go for a swim," Atlas tells me.

My face twists in confusion, I'm either still tired because of the time change, or Atlas just said we're going for a swim in the harbor.

I follow him and we end up in front of a boat.

Oh. That's what he meant.

The boat's nice, it's not too big yet not too small. It has a wood floor on the back and a sitting area in the front and right in the middle is the cabin with the control panel.

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