Chapter twenty-nine

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I stare down at my paper, trying to remember the right tense. God, Spanish grammar is killing me! This week I'm taking my finals, there are two more days until the Spanish one, and I'm still not fully prepared.

I let out a groan and place my head on the table.

I will fail my exam. I'll fail all my exams.

We came back from Monaco last week, and since I had to study my ass off. I fell behind with all my subjects because of the accident, and now I have to work two times harder.

I wanna sleep. I want to be in my bed with my headphones in and cuddle with my teddy bear under the covers.

"Avery, empezar a trabajar," my Spanish teacher says, and I want to get up and leave.

I raise my head and start flipping the pages in my notebook, trying to find anything that could help me.

"You need help with that exercise?" someone startles me.

I turn my head and find the new guy that transferred to the Spanish class this year. His name might be Darren.

"Darren, right?" I say with a small smile trying to be friendly, despising my bad mood.

He nods. "It would be helpful if you could give me a hand with this exercise" I add, and he gets his chair closer to me, maybe a little too close.

He seems like a nice guy. Brown hair, green eyes, with glasses. I don't know much about him. He's always quiet in class.

He starts explaining the exercise to me, and I slowly understand the tenses.

Minutes later, the bell finally rings. One more class, and I'm done for today.

I pack my things, and when I leave I find Darren sitting by the door.

"Let's walk together," he says, nodding his head toward the hallway.

"Okay," I say, placing my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. I was about to text Atlas.

"If you need help with the Spanish, you can always ask me" he speaks up.

"That'll be great. Thank you. I've always struggled with grammar, I'm quite good at vocabulary."

"Vocabulary is always easy if you read texts in Spanish or watch movies."

"That's all I do, I know to speak Spanish because of the shows and movies I watch, not because of what we do in class," I say right when we stop at my locker.

"You seem like a nice girl. Would there be any chances to go out and grab some coffee sometime?" he asks shyly.

I don't get to answer, since an arm sneaks around my shoulder, and a deep voice threatens from beside me. "There aren't chances. She's taken!"

Darren moves his eyes from me to Atlas and steps back, his face red like a tomato.

When he's gone, I open my locker while Atlas leans against one, looking at me, smirking.

"Going to coffee with Darren?" he asks, mocking his name.

"Stop being rude!" I start shutting my locker with a loud thud "I was about to tell him I have a boyfriend before you came and scared the poor guy." I continue rolling my eyes.

We start walking together down the hallway right in the middle.

"And why do you sound so disappointed? Are you sad I blew off your date?"He teases, making me angry. I'm not in the mood for this.

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