Chapter twenty-four

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I walk down the hallway toward Maeve's room, I slowly open the door and get inside. I find her lying in the bed on her back with the covers spread across her legs and abdomen.

The monitor that measures her heartbeats breaks the silence every two seconds.

"I brought you flowers," I say trying to hold back my tears "They are your favorite!" I add placing the roses on the table at her feet.

I walk next to her and sit down on the chair holding her hand into mine. I do this every day since the accident. It's becoming a routine. Wake up in the morning, go to school, come to the hospital, go back home, and repeat. My parents keep telling me that it's not healthy to come here every day, but I don't listen to them, I want her to know that I'm always at her side.

She has her beautiful hair down and wears some hospital gown they gave her when she got here. There is a tube coming from her mouth so she can breathe. Her small arms are resting on her sides. On her right hand is the IV bag connected to her veins and on her index finger is something for her blood pressure. I hate seeing her like this. They took off the arm cast as well as the leg one.

Since Grey told me what happened that day, I keep having nightmares of her going through that damn windshield. I don't think there was a night without nightmares.

I press my lips on her soft knuckles and scan down her face.

"It's been one month, Ave," I say and a tear falls from my eyes on her hand. I can't take it anymore. Please wake up. Please don't leave me as she did! I can't live without you, love!"

My other hand reaches her head and I gently caress her hair.

"We still have things to do," my voice breaks as I try to keep it together. "We have parties to attend, we have a Formula 1 race in May, and you still have books to read!"

I asked the doctors multiple times if she was going to wake up, but I always get the same answer 'There are no signs that indicate her breathing on her own'.

I sit and watch her for another half an hour, as I am about to stand up her monitor starts beeping hysterically, I rush over to the door, but the nurses are already running toward the room with a cart. I step out of their way ad when I'm about to go after them they close the door in my face.

I walk to the chairs right across the door and pull out my phone to text Grey.

A doctor rushes into her room and I catch a glance at what is happening inside. They took down her gown and have two things that look like irons over her chest.

"Charge to 100" a nurse yells tight when the door closes.

My hands start shaking and I finally manage to text Grey. He answers immediately saying that he's on his way.

"Come on, Maeve! Don't do this" I mumble as let my head fall into my hands.

Minutes that feel like hours and days go by and the doctor comes out.

"You're here for, Maeve Avery?" he asks me.

"Yes, is she alright?"

"We had to resuscitate her, but she is fine at the moment."

"Will she wake up?" this is a stupid question.

"At this moment we can't say anything, but let's hope for the best," he tells me and then walks away.

I enter her room as the nurses leave. Her heart stopped. She died for a second.

I get closer to her bed and watch as her chest rises and goes back down. She has a little scar right underneath her jaw.

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