Chapter twenty-one

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The two hours of detention passed quite fast. I got to finish a few assignments while Atlas did some of his homework and constantly glanced at me. My head is a mess. I have no idea what to believe, he showed me that he has over one hundred unread messages from her, but she still knew that he was with me. I put on my Airpods and After Hours by The Weeknd starts playing. I let out a deep breath as I let my favorite song take over me. I can give him another chance; I can trust him again and see what happens. Everything is so confusing, a part of me wants to get back together with him, but there's another part that wants to walk away. It would be easier to walk away and never look back, but I can't do that, not when I lo... care about him. I do that, right? Of course, I do it! He is always on my mind. My heart always starts racing when he is around me. I like him, or maybe it's something else. I never felt this with Jackson.

I take a left around the school's parking lot so I can get to the bus station. Atlas offered to drop me home, but I refused him. I need to just listen to my music and clear my mind.

I miss him. I miss him coming over and spending time together. I miss him bragging about Formula 1, basketball, and football games. I miss kissing him, hugging him, and cuddling with him. I miss everything about him; his laugh, his smile, his eyes.

As I am completely drowned in my thoughts, I accidentally bump into a person.

"I'm sorry!" I say and turn to look at them.

I freeze.

It's been almost four years since the last time I saw him. His blue eyes, my eyes, have now dark circles underneath, and his chin and jawline are covered in a small brown beard. He looks tired.

"It's quite cold for March, isn't it?" he says, his voice the same as I remember it.

I wrap my arms around myself to stay warm. It is quite cold and the wind is not helping at all.

"Mhm." it's the only thing I can say.

I feel the blood rushing in my ears, but my skin is freezing. My whole body is freezing and sweating at the same time. All I can do is look at his chin; I can't move my eyes past his mouth.

"I tried calling you. I've sent you messages. A lot of them, but you didn't answer any of them!" he says and my head starts pumping. What? I never got any message or call.

"I never got any of your messages or calls," I say, my voice trembling with every word.

I slowly try to take a step back, but he grabs my upper arm and shoves me closer to him.

"Do you think you can go on with your life, Elizabeth? I will make sure that you remember every single day of your stupid life that you destroyed a family!" he whispers harshly in my ear and tears are already going down my cheeks.

Please don't hit me! Please don't hit me! Please don't hit me! Please don't hit me!

"You think you can block my number and forget everything you've done? You broke apart my family, you took my only child away from me!" he grips my arm harder and I start to feel pain. I let out a small whimper as I try to get away from him.

"I've been thinking about the fact that I miss so much my daughter that I might want to fight for custody and take her with me! That way you could get every day your punishment for what you broke!" he says and my stomach falls to my feet.

No, no, no, no, no! He can't do that, he can't take me away! Right?

"I mean I don't see where the problem would be. I'm sure your absent mother would have nothing to say. One less mouth to feed. I will take a burden away from her!"

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