✧Curt Smith✧

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My pretty boy <3


Curt invited 3 of his highschool friends to spend the day with him and of course he wanted to introduce you to them.

You were in the kitchen making lemonade and one of Curt's friends walked in, looking at you with pure disgust. Her name was Angela and Curt did mention to you that Angela had liked him since highschool and no matter how many times he told her he didn't feel the same way, Angela didn't care.

As much as you wanted to murder this chick, you had to stay calm, for your boyfriend at least.

"Can I...help you with something?" You asked, trying to be as nice as possible.

"Oh no, nothing at all. I mean I just came to remind you that Curt is always going to be mine" Angela shrugged and traced her fingers across the kitchen counter.

"Um Angela, you do know that Curt and I have been together for 4 whole years right?" You spoke.

"Doesn't matter, he'll always be mine and there's nothing you can do to stop it" Angela whispered and suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your wrist, Angela was digging her nail into your wrist. Luckily you pulled away quickly and whimpered.

"See? You're weak" Angela chuckled.

You brushed it off and picked up the tray with the glasses of lemonade on before walking slowly to the lounge, but suddenly you felt someone push your back causing you to fall and all the glass shattered, some even going into your arms. You screamed and that's when Curt came rushing by you.

"Darling! What happened?" He asked cupping your cheeks.

Tears streamed down your cheeks and you started shaking. The other 2 of Curt's friends came in and saw what happened. Curt motioned his head for them to leave and so they did, except for Angela.

"Sweetheart, we're going to have to take out the bits of glass. They all in your arms" Curt declared.

You whimpered and looked down at your bleeding arms. Curt picked you up and looked at Angela who was behind him most of the time.

"Why are you still here? I told you leave" Curt responded.

"Well I wanted to tell you that I was trying to help Y/n but-" before Angela could continue, Curt cut her off.

"Listen Angela I don't have time for your crap. Now please leave" Curt snapped. "Actually no, why don't you be a doll and clean this glass up, seeing you're the one that pushed my girlfriend"

"What?! No Curty I-"

"Just clean up the fucking mess then I want you out of my life. I can't believe you'd do something like this! Y/n's the love of my life, I don't love you!" Curt yelled before carrying you upstairs.

Your boyfriend sat you on the bed and went to grab the first aid kit in the bathroom. He came back and took out a tweezer then began plucking out the pieces of glass.

"I'm sorry for causing a fight between you and Angela" you spoke softly as more tears ran down your cheeks.

"Oh baby no no, don't blame yourself" Curt wiped your tears and kissed your forehead. "To be honest with you my love, I had to tolerate her when I was in highschool because my other friends wanted her to join our friend group and well...she just has issues. I never considered her my friend" Curt finished taking out all the glass and started wrapping your arms up with bandages.

"Thank you" you whispered.

"Anything for you my sweets. I love you, remember that" Curt cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead again then pulled you into a hug. "Nothing's ever going to change that, not even Angela. Speaking of her let me go see if she's gone, wait right here" Curt kissed your knuckles and quickly rushed downstairs.

He came back after a minute or 2 with a smile on his face.

"What?" You asked.

"She's gone and I locked the door now come on, I want to cuddle with my flower" Curt bounced on his side of the bed and tapped the place next to him.

You smiled and crawled next to him, burying your face in his neck as he stroked your hair.


"Yes princess?"

"I love you too"

"Listen to me, if Angela comes here or anything or tries anything with you-"

"I'll call you for help and it doesn't matter if you're busy or not, I know I know. Look can we just go to sleep? I don't want to think about her"

"Of course baby"

With that you both smiled and fell off to sleep.

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