✧Curt Smith✧

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"I can't do this!" You groaned and threw your guitar on the bed.

You have been trying to learn guitar since your dad bought you one for your birthday and so far all you could do is scream in anger.

Your best friend, Curt walked in and leaned against the doorframe, smirking and laughing at your actions. He thought about how cute you looked when you were annoyed.

"Need some help poppy?" He asked, calling you by your nickname.

You looked up and saw Curt which made you sigh in relief.

"Oh thank God, yes please" you begged.

Curt giggled and sat down next to you then took the guitar away from you. You were ready to watch Curt explain the chords and such to you but he looked at you and tapped his thigh. You were confused at first but realized what's actually happening.

"It's better if I teach you this way" Curt explained.

You gulped and sat on Curt's lap as the guitar was pulled in front of you. Curt pulled your fingers to the E and D chords then took your other hand and strummed.

"See? Now that's not hard. You strum" Curt replied and removed his hands off yours.

Pretty soon you got the hang of it and couldn't be happier. You pulled your best friend into a hug and thanked him for almost 100 times before pulling away. You didn't let go though and neither did Curt. You both stayed like that for almost a minute before you heard Curt mumble 'Fuck it'  before pulling you into a kiss. You were shocked but kissed back.

Curt pulled away and looked into your eyes.

"Y/n, I've liked you for a long time and I really wanted to do that" he chuckled, squeezing your hips.

"Me too, Curt. Me too" you giggled and kissed him again.

"Y/n, do you want to go out sometime?" Curt asked.

"Of course, don't have to ask me twice. I'd love to" you smiled and shared a kiss again.

After that, Curt was more than your best friend. He was your lover.

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