✧Curt Smith✧

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"Curt I swear to God if you tip over this boat I'm going to kill you" you spoke.

Your boyfriend Curt and yourself were on his small boat as he wanted to take you on a 'boat date by the lake' is what he liked to call it.

"Calm down love, everything is under control. I'm practically the king of all boats!" Curt stood up and placed his hands that were in fists on his hips as if he were impersonating a superhero.

"Is that so?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "I think you're just trying to get us killed. You're reckless most of the time"

Curt looked down at you and removed his hands off his hips then sat down next to you.

"You know what I think love?" He said.

"What?" You asked, folding your arms.

"I think you love it when I'm reckless, you just don't want to admit it" Curt smirked and nudged your shoulder with his.

You blushed and hid your face by looking down at your thighs.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't" you admitted.

"Ha!" Curt yelled and stood up quickly making the boat wobble. "I knew it! You love my reckless side!"

"Curt stop! Come on this boat's going to tip over!" You whined.

"Oh I'm sorry love, here let me help you up" Curt as smiled and offered his hand to you. You grabbed it and smiled softly but before you could thank your boyfriend, he flipped you over and threw you in the water.

You came up and gasped while coughing, feeling your hair stick to your neck and face. You noticed Curt was on his back having a laugh and you rolled my eyes.

"Okay! You got me there!" You laughed back and raised your arms up in surrender.

"I did! I got you good hun!" Curt laughed.

"You gonna help me up or let me stay in there til a giant catfish attacks me?" You joked.

Curt wiped his tears from when he was laughing and held out his hand for you to take but when you grabbed it, you used your other hand to grab the collar of his shirt and you tossed him into the water. You laughed hard and Curt came up, gasping for air.

"Payback!" You spoke.

"You are on!" Curt laughed and moved some of his hair out of his face.

Curt started splashing you to which you did the same to. You both did that for a minute or 2 before Curt swam behind you and grabbed your waist, spinning you around while you both laughed loudly.

"Put me down, Smith!" You screamed, hitting his as playfully.

"Only if you say you love me" Curt teased.

"I love you Curt Smith!" You laughed loudly and that's when he put you down.

You turned around to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Curt placed his around your waist.

"And I love you Y/n Y/l/n" he smirked.

You both shared a kiss under the sunset while in the water.

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