✧Curt Smith✧

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Mentions of body shaming and low self-esteem! Also this includes a plus size reader since I'm one and I had to learn to be proud of it lol. And this is for my plus size girls. 

That picture of Curt gets me. He's so gorgeous this man.


You haven't been feeling yourself lately. Your depression had came back and all you ever done was call yourself horrible names, names no one could think of themselves. You thought about how Curt didn't deserve you, how he should be with a model, all of that.

You were in the room you shared with Curt, sitting on the edge on the bed with your knees to your chest. Slowly, tears flowed down your face as you kept on thinking of the same thing over and over again.

Your negative thoughts were interrupted by Curt walking in.

"Hey darling I was wondering if-"

Before he could finish he saw you with your face in your knees, sniffing. He walked closer.

"Hun? Baby hey" Curt slowly lifted up your face and saw the tears. "Sweetheart, were you crying? Love is everything okay? Tell me baby" Curt spoke and sat next to you, putting his hand on your knee. Curt always knew that whenever you weren't yourself, you didn't like hugs or such so he would just touch your knee or even hand.

Now you always shared stuff with Curt, not only was he your boyfriend but your best friend to and if you turned the other cheek, Curt would ask you 24/7 what was going through your mind.

"Curt, you do love me right?" You asked sniffing.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do, more than anything" Curt admitted.

"And you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" You asked, lowering your knees down.

"Baby, where is this coming from angel?" Curt asked cupping your cheeks and wiping away the tears.

"I don't know, I haven't been myself lately. I've been thinking about how you deserve more than me actually, look at me Curt. I'm nothing but fat" you said.

"What? Baby no no no, you are absolutely not fat! Listen to me, I never really had a thing for skinny, slim girls. You're always my type and I love you. Everything about you I love" Curt took your hands and kissed them.

"Really?" You whimpered.

"Of course love. You're my world" Curt whispered.

You buried your face in Curt's chest and wrapped your arms around his torso, sniffing. Curt wrapped his arms around your shoulder and stroked your hair with his one hand.

"I love you too" you said back and smiled softly.

"Remember you're beautiful, just the way you are" Curt whispered and you felt him kiss your hair.

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