✿Roland Orzabal✿

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Triggers of being in an asylum, don't read it if you can't handle it.


Nurses dragged you out of the cafeteria from the incident you just caused.

"Let Y/n go! Y/n does not like touching! Leave Y/n!" You screamed and tried to free yourself from their grips.

You had came to the asylum when you were only 14 years old. You had schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, paranoia, bipolar disorder, anger issues and psychosis. Not to mention you always spoke in third person about yourself. Your parents had abandoned you after finding out you had these disorders and decided to leave you at an asylum.

You were now 18 years old and you still did not like being in the place. The only friend you've made was a male nurse and his name was Roland. Roland was 10 years older than you but he treated you like you were his daughter, his child that he had to protect.

As the nurses dragged you to your room Roland approached them with another male nurse, Curt.

"What seems to be the trouble here ladies?" Roland asked, glancing at you.

"This little pest decided to throw red chili powder in one of the patient's eyes" one nurse said.

"That bastard bullied Y/n! Told Y/n that she is damaged and no one will love her!" You snapped.

The other nurse pinched your arm to make you quiet.

"I see, well let me take her off your hands for you. I am in charge of her anyway" Roland spoke.

The nurses handed you to Roland and he pulled you into your room and shut the door. Roland sat you on the bed and folded his arms while staring at you.

"You wanna explain why you threw red chili powder in the guy's eyes?" Roland asked you.

"No, now leave Y/n alone" you replied and turned around to face the wall. You started drawing circles on the wall with your finger to calm you down.

Roland sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Can Y/n tell me why she has been acting weird these past few weeks?" He asked.

"Y/n doesn't want to tell" you replied, still occupied with the wall.

"I see, well can Y/n make a promise?" Roland grinned softly.

"Promise?" You asked, turning your head to face Roland. "What promise?"

"Promise me that if something is troubling Y/n, Y/n must come talk to me okay?" Roland held up his pinky. "You make a promise it has to be a pinky promise"

You looked at Roland then at his pinky and joined it with yours.

"Okay" you spoke softly.

"Good, now can I bring Y/n's food to her?" Roland asked.

"No. The voices does not want Y/n to eat" you said abruptly.

"Oh? And why is that so?" Roland asked again.

"Because Y/n will get fat and Y/n will have to cut herself again" you whispered.

"Mmm well would the voices like Y/n to have a milkshake instead?" Roland touched his chin.

There was silence and you started mumbling to yourself then looked back up at Roland.

"The voices said Y/n can have" you smiled softly.

"Great, I'll be right back" Roland replied and walked out of your room, he locked the door and jogged towards the kitchen side.

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