✿Roland Orzabal✿

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You and your boyfriend Roland had gotten into an argument over a girl that was hitting on him at Curt's birthday party and he just allowed it. You almost got physical with the chick until Roland pulled you away and took you to the car. He explained to Curt what happened and that you and himself are going home. Curt being the good friend he is told Roland not to worry about it.

When you and Roland got home you got out the car and slammed the door shut before speed walking up to your house and unlocking the front door. You made it up to yours and Roland's room and Roland followed after.

He tried so hard to explain that he didn't even take notice of the girl trying to flirt with him and that he thought she was just being nice but you believed he was just making up excuses for what he'd done. You were so angry that you threw a pillow at him and sat on his wheely chair, sulking while staring outside through the window.

Roland sighed and sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through his hair aggressively. He took a glance at you and saw that you were still looking outside. He took a breath and stood up then walked towards you. He twisted the chair around so you could face him and placed his hands on the armrests while staring at you.

You were shocked of course when he did that. Apart of you were still pissed at him but the other part of you wanted to grab his collar, pull him close and kiss him.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I really thought she was being nice to me. Baby you know you're the only one for me, you'll always be" Roland whispered.

You wanted to smile so badly but you hid it and looked down at your hands. You looked back up at Roland and pushed a strand of his long brown hair behind his ear.

"I'm sorry for overreacting, I should've been a bit calm" you whispered to.

Roland chuckled and shook his head slightly.

"If I'm being honest, I love it when you overreact" Roland spoke and leaned in to kiss the corner of your lips. "And when you're jealous" he kissed your left cheek. "And when you're overprotective" he kissed your forehead. "Especially when you act all innocent when you tease me" Roland kissed your jaw.

You laughed slightly and let out a soft moan, closing your eyes. You loved Roland so much that you couldn't stay mad at him for so long. You pulled Roland close by his collar and kissed him softly and passionately. He returned the kiss by placing his hands on your thighs and biting your bottom lip slightly. Once you pulled away, your foreheads touched as you gazed into each other's eyes.

"I love you sweets, I'll always will" Roland whispered.

"I love you more" you whispered back then stood up and wrapped your arms around Roland's waist to hug him while he wrapped his arms around your neck, stroking your hair with one of his hands.

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