✧Curt Smith✧

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Your boyfriend and yourself were walking home from the movie theater while chatting. Your head on Curt's shoulder with his arm around your shoulder.

"Beautiful sky" you mumbled.

"Just like you" Curt whispered, you felt him smirk and playfully hit his shoulder.

"You're such a sweet talker" you laughed.

"Only for you, my darling" Curt chuckled.

Suddenly you felt a drop of water on your cheek then stopped and looked up, it began raining softly. You smiled and let go of Curt then ran in the rain and jumping on puddles you could find. Curt folded his arms and smiled at you, thinking of how pretty lucky he was to have you.

"Curt come on!" You called out for your boyfriend.

"Alright alright!" He laughed and jogged towards you but as Curt got closer, he slipped in a puddle and landed on his butt.

Your eyes went wide and you covered your mouth with both of your hands trying so hard not to laugh. Curt however was not amused but eventually laughed along with you.

"Are you okay?" You laughed and held out your hand.

"Yeah, kinda bruised my ass but I'm okay" Curt laughed and took your hand.

You pulled him up then pulled him into the rain so he could get wet like you. You both jumped in puddles while singing Head Over Heels loudly.

You collapsed in Curt's arms and looked at him, he was staring at you back and smirked. You blushed and wrapped your arms tightly around his neck as he held your waist and that's when you shared a kiss under the pouring rain.

When you pulled away your foreheads touched and you both began laughing slightly before kissing again.

"Whatcha say we get home and have a nice bubble bath, together" Curt suggested.

You smirked and traced your fingers down Curt's face as he playfully tried to bite them. You laughed.

"I'd love that" you whispered.

Curt grinned and pulled you into another passionate kiss before you ran towards your house which was close luckily.

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