✿Roland Orzabal✿

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You were in the kitchen baking a chocolate cake for Ronald since his birthday is coming soon and you knew how much he loved it when you spoiled him.

You were almost finished putting on the the strawberry icing then wrote 'Happy Birthday♡' with a little heart on the cake. You were proud and smiled widely before putting the cake in the fridge once it cooled off.

You decided to make something else, some chocolate cookies knowing how much Roland loved anything chocolate.

When you were stirring the dough, you felt arms around your waist and someone softly kissing your neck. It was Roland, beautiful Roland.

You grabbed Roland's hands and tilted your neck more so he could have better access.

"Whatcha doing, love?" He asked.

"I was bored so I decided to make cookies, your favorite ones" you giggled.

"Chocolate?" Roland asked.

"Mhm" you smiled.

"Mind if I help, darling?" He asked.

"Oh no no no no no!" You said. "I know what you're up to Orzabal! Don't even try it" you lectured.

Usually whenever you'd bake something, Roland would chuck flour on you and you two would have this food fight.

"What? You mean, this!" Before you could even think Roland threw a tub of baking soda at you leaving him laughing his eyes out.

You cleared your throat and walked casually towards your husband then grabbed the bowl with the cookie dough inside. Luckily it was still soft and runny so you threw in on top on Roland's hair and you started laughing.

"Y/n! I just washed my hair!" He whined.

"Oh boo hoo. You wanna food fight? Let's food fight!" You declared then threw flour at him before Roland chucked eggs at you. You both ran outside laughing while throwing food products at each other.

Roland tackled you to the ground and you both stayed there, laughing while staring at the sky.

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