✧Curt Smith✧

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Your boyfriend Curt had noticed that you haven't been yourself lately. You got angry at the slightest things, got pissed and jealous when some women talked to him. It was weird for Curt to notice that from you.

You were in the kitchen trying to make some pasta since you were hungry and Curt walked in, folded his arms and leaned against the basin.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

"Just making pasta, I'm hungry" you replied with a slight attitude.

"Listen, that girl was my friend, Olivia. We've been friends from kindergarten. Why did you have to be rude to her?" Curt asked.

"She was touching you! What was I supposed to do?!" You snapped and turned around facing Curt.

"She wasn't touching me where I felt uncomfortable!" Curt replied.

"Oh so you were fine with that then? You know what? I can't do this" you said and walked past Curt but he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulders while you kicked his chest and smacked his back for freedom.
"Curt! Put me down now! Oh for crying out loud!"

Curt sat you down on the kitchen table while you tried you wiggle for freedom.

"Now you sit there and you listen to me and listen to me very carefully!" Curt yelled and gripped your shoulders but not tight.

You were shocked, you found that extremely sexy of course. So you listened to Curt and placed your hands on your thighs.

"Good girl, now listen. You know I love you and I've been with you for almost 4 years! Olivia is a friend, she'll remain a friend" Curt explained.

"That's what they all say" you rolled your eyes then tried climbing off the table until Curt grabbed your shoulders and placed you back on.

"Sit still will you?!" He screamed.

You groaned and folded your arms. "Fine I'm listening" you said.

"Why are you like this, love? Jealous, aggressive, arrogant? You weren't like this before" Curt declared.

"I just don't like sharing you with anyone okay?! I don't! You're my boyfriend!" You spoke.

Curt stared at you and chuckled then shook his head and looked down.

"What?" You asked.

"Of course I'm yours, you don't think I've been yours? Like you're mine as well" Curt shrugged. "No one can take me away from you, never"

You blushed and looked down as Curt cupped your cheeks for you to look back up.

"I love you, okay?"

"I know. I love you too" you whispered.

"Come here" Curt wrapped his arms around your neck as you wrapped your arms around his waist and your legs as well.

"I'm sorry for being a brat" you said.

"Don't apologize, I love you" Curt smiled.

You smiled into his chest as you both stayed like that.

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