✿Roland Orzabal✿

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"Roland we can't be together anymore. I-I don't love you anymore" you spoke.

You and Roland had been in a secret relationship for almost 3 years and now that your father found out, he wanted you to end things with Roland.

Your father felt that Roland was a bad influence for you and he had arranged a marriage for you with someone else named David.

"Y/n, what... what are you saying, love?" Roland asked and stood up from the bed.

"Please, please don't call me that. Roland, I don't love you anymore!" You snapped and faced the wall.

You heard him slowly walk towards you and stopped.

"What we have is real, Y/n. I'm not going to let you walk away from this" Roland declared.

"I have no choice! Don't you get it?! I'm in love with someone else!" You lied.

You heard Roland's breaths getting deeper as he began tearing up which made you tear up as well. You hated doing this but it's rather end it with the love of your life then having your father hunt him down.

"You're lying to me, for God's sake Y/n please look at me" Roland whimpered.

"Roland, I need to end this. Let's just admit we never loved each other" you declared.

"No, the feelings we have for each other is real. You're mine, I'm yours" he replied.

"No, Roland no. I was never yours and you were never mine. Never. You don't love me" you cried.

"I do love you, I always have" he admitted.

"No you don't! I never loved you either, this relationship was just an experiment or something!" You whined.

"Don't, don't say that. Y/n it's real what we have, someone told you to say this. For fuck's sakes Y/n, was it your dad?" Roland asked.

"No one told me anything Roland! I figured this out myself! I don't love you!" You exclaimed again hoping Roland would leave it be.

There was silence for a minute or 2 until Roland sniffed and spoke.

"Turn around and look me in the eyes. Look at me and tell me you don't love me" he whispered. "If you do this then I'll let this go"

"Roland, please" you begged.

"Love, look at me please. I'm begging you" Roland begged.

You wiped away your tears but more formed in your eyes as you turned around slowly, still facing the ground. You slowly met Roland's gaze and you noticed how stained his face was from crying.

"Hey, beautiful" Roland smiled through his tears.

You couldn't help but pull him into a hug and cry into his neck.

"I'm so sorry, I love you. Please don't leave me, my dad-" you said.

"Sshh, it's okay. We'll get through this, together like always" Roland stroked your hair.

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