✿Roland Orzabal✿⁠

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"I mean I think he should've just left a letter you know?" Your friend, Olivia said taking a sip of her soda.

"Yeah..." Your other friend Brittany trailed.

"Hey, Y/n?" Your friend Daniela asked.

"Yeah what's up?" You asked.

"What's on your neck?" She asked.

You then remembered the night you had with Roland.

"Shit" you muttered.

"Is that a hickey?!" Olivia asked.

"Uh, no?" You laughed nervously and covered the spot with your hand.

Daniela jumped on you and pinned your arms above your head.

"Daniela!" You screamed and began squirming.

"It is a hickey! Girls!" Daniela yelled.

Before you know it your 2 other friends crawled to you and looked down at your neck.

"Would you stop? So what if it's a hickey?!" You snapped.

"I thought Roland agreed to wait for you?" Brittany asked.

"You have to tell us everything!" Olivia replied.

"I will if Daniela let's go of me!" You screamed.

"Okay! Alright, jeez" Daniela spoke.

She slid off you and pulled you up. You dusted your clothes and went to sit on the bed.

"So, I might've told Roland that I was ready for sex" you mumbled.

The next thing you knew, your friends squealed making you cover your ears.

"How was it?!" Brittany asked.

"Did he whisper sweet nothings in your ear?!" Daniela yelled.

"Was he rough or gentle?!" Olivia spoke.

"Girls! Girls hold on" you laughed.

"Sorry, sorry" Brittany groaned.

"We're just really happy!" Olivia said.

"Well why don't you 3 come sit down and I'll tell you everything " you replied and patted the bed.

You didn't tell you friends of course everything about what happened between you and Roland, only the cute parts you'd say.

"Y/n! Baby we're here!" A voice came from downstairs, you knew it was Roland.

You jumped up and ran downstairs, followed by your friends. You jumped in Roland's arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.

"Missed me that much baby doll?" Roland chuckled.

"I have" you admitted and jumped off Roland.

"Oh so you forget about your brother I see" Curt replied.

You laughed and shook your head, walking towards your little brother.

"I wouldn't forget my Curt" you smiled and playfully pinched Curt's cheeks.

"Oh stop!" Curt pushed you away playfully but eventually pulled you into a hug.

The girls greeted Roland and Curt and that's when Daniela asked the question.

"So, Ro? I heard from ms Y/n that you both had fun last night"

Curt slipped out his chair and fell to the floor. Olivia helped him up.

"Oh did she?" Roland smirked and looked at you.

You blushed and looked down.

"Oh yes and it appears you've left your marking on her" Brittany pointed out.

"Brittany!" You said.

Roland chuckled and walked towards you then placed his hand around your throat playfully.

"How about I leave more?" He suggested.

You could hear your friends cheering on and groans coming from your brother.

Roland pulled you close by your neck and kissed you roughly as your friends continued to cheer on. Eventually he pulled away and gave you a wink, making you red in the face.

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