✿Roland Orzabal✿

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You never felt protected and safer in Roland's huge coat with one of his fleece jackets under. You smiled proudly.

"Warm, love?" Roland asked as he gave you a gentle squeeze and leaned down to place a kiss on your temple.

"Very" you smiled and closed your eyes. You placed your head on Roland's shoulder as you both walked through the streets of Philadelphia (see what I did there? Bruce Springsteen lol) since Roland and Curt came for their tour.

You both continued walking silently, weaving through the parts of Phili.

"Should we go check out the sunset?" Roland asked.

"Yes! I know the closet bridge!" You said full of excitement.

You grabbed Roland's hand and brought him to the bridge where the both of you leaned against the railing and watched the sunset. You closed your eyes and felt the breeze hit your face and a smile grew on your face. You suddenly felt Roland's arms wrap around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder.

"Pretty" Roland mumbled against your neck.

"It's beautiful" you smiled widely.

When Roland wrapped his hands around your waist, you always felt comfortable, safe. No one could harm you if you had Roland.

"What should we do tomorrow? Curt and I are free anyway" your boyfriend asked.

"Lie around" you smirked.

"As you wish my queen" Roland chuckled.

"We should get going though. It's getting dark" you said as the sky started becoming pitch black.

"Of course" Roland smiled then turned around. "Climb on, you were complaining about your legs getting cold and freezed up anyway" he laughed.

"How could I say no to you" you joked.

You smiled and jumped on Roland's back, wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist while he held under your thighs.

"You're light as a feather" Roland teased.

"You flatter me, Orzabal. Now onward my noble prestige!" You laughed.

"Yes my queen!" Roland giggled and started walking.

You placed your head on Roland's back and leaned forward to kiss the back of his neck.

"I love you" you said.

"I love you more" Roland said.

"Is that so? Impossible" you grinned.

"Oh it's possible" Roland grinned back.

You both laughed as you made your way back home.

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