✧Curt Smith✧

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You have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now but no matter how much you and Curt had sex and no matter how much pregnancy tests you took, nothing happened.

You felt depressed, you couldn't have a child and that was Curt's wish. He wanted to be a father so badly but no matter what you did, it could never happen.

You were in the bedroom, your knees to your chest and your face in your knees. You have been crying for almost the past hour and that's all you could do.

"I'm so sorry, Curt" you whispered to yourself, sniffing.

5 pregnancy tests laid in front of you. In anger to slid them roughly off the bed and curled into a ball, crying.

You heard a knock on the door and looked up, Curt was standing there with teary eyes. He walked to you and helped you sit up, he wiped your tears and slowly shook his head as if he was telling you not to cry.

You broke down again and fell into Curt's arms, holding him tight. He stroked your hair and planted it with soft kisses.

Curt then cupped your face and turned it to look at him. He gave a soft kiss on your forehead.

"We're going to be okay my love, I promise. I want you to understand something though, this doesn't mean I love you any less. You do know that right?" Curt asked.

You slowly nodded and gave a soft smile.

"I love you, I always will" Curt whispered.

"I love you too" you sniffed.

"One day we'll make a kid happen, I know we will"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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