Chapter 4: Fucking Stuck.

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Chris woke up the next morning to light streaming in through a crack in his curtains. He had huge black out curtains covering the floor to ceiling windows in his room, but last night he was clearly too drunk to shut them properly. His eyes squinted as he looked over to the other side of his bed, instantly remembering what happened the night before.

He thought he had been successful in getting Luna out of his head, clearly he had been wrong. He'd taken the blonde up to his room after the party thinned out and found himself laid back on his bed while the blonde proceeded to suck him off, but he didn't feel anything. The only way he managed to even get hard was to imagine it was Luna's lips wrapped around his cock. He imagined her eyes looking up at him as she played with his balls. The way her tongue would feel wrapped around the tip of his member. Clearly, he'd started to believe it actually was her when he moaned out her name. The blonde was not happy, proceeded to call him a pig, put her clothes back on and left. Not that he really cared; clearly not even a meaningless fuck could get her out of his head. She was fucking stuck in there.

Meanwhile, in their hotel room, Luna was laid in bed wide awake staring at the ceiling while Matt snored away next to her. She was thinking about the events of last night. Just like she had wanted she had gotten on great with all of Matt's friends, all of them except from Chris. Chris fucking Evans. Now she couldn't get the bastard out of her head, the way his touch made her feel, the way he looked at her and of course the pain she felt in her chest when he got her name wrong. Why was this happening to her? She was happy with Matt, he was the nicest guy and he treated her like she was the only woman in the world, unlike any of the past dickheads she'd been with. But for some stupid reason she couldn't shake the thought of Chris. And now she had to face him again already and sit through an entire lunch with him.

"Morning beautiful" Luna was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Matt's voice, "Morning" she replied while turning on her side to face him. He pulled her closer to him with a hand on her waist, kissing her lips lightly, "how'd you sleep?" he asked, "Yeah great."


The truth was she'd been laid wide awake staring at the ceiling for most of the night, thoughts of Chris and the blonde just swirling around her head. She was jealous and she knew she had no right to be, she has a boyfriend for fuck sake. It was just a little crush she thought, that's it nothing more, it'll pass. It has to.

"I just wanted to apologise about last night" Luna looked at Matt confused as he spoke, "for not telling you that my friend from high school Chris was actually the famous movie star Chris Evans" Luna reached up to cup Matt's cheek while placing a chaste kiss on his lips, "It's fine babe don't worry about it"

"No I should have told you, I'm sorry, it's just I've had girls only interested in me in the past just to get to him, I just got worried the same thing would happen with you. I'm sorry Luna, I just really care about you and I didn't like the thought of loosing you" Matt frowned as his eyes dropped to the bed. Luna brought her finger up to his chin and lifted it slowly, "I'm not going anywhere" she whispered before kissing him lightly. Luna felt terrible, she knew now she had to push these feelings for Chris away no matter what, she couldn't hurt Matt like that.

Later on that day when Luna and Matt arrived at the Diner, everyone was already there. Scott, Chris's younger brother, two other men who last night had been introduced to her as Luke and Joe and of course Chris. At least she wouldn't have to watch him basically swallow the blonde from last night again.

"Hey guys" Matt greeted his friends as he and Luna approached the table. Matt took a seat at the head of the table with Chris on his left, the only seat left was between Matt and Scott, but directly across from Chris, Shit. Matt gestured for Luna to sit as the rest of the table greeted them both. As she sat down she could feel Chris's eyes boring in to her, she knew the best thing to do was to avoid his stare, but she couldn't help herself. Looking up she saw those baby blues, staring right at her.

"We haven't been her long, thought we'd wait for you guys to order" Scott spoke as he looked over at Luna and Matt. They both proceeded to look over the menu, Luna very aware of Chris's eyes still on her. The waitress then came over to take their orders, everyone telling her what they wanted before she left.

"So Luna," Joe began speaking from across he table on the left side of Chris, "last night didn't scare you off then" he chuckled "Matt can get pretty intense at beer pong" the whole group shared a laugh before Matt began to defend himself, "hey I'm not as bad as Chris"

"Yeah to be fair Chris is bad" Scott replied, "Although he was too focused on a certain blonde last night to even play," He laughed looking over to his older brother. Chris was looking down at his coffee, twirling the mug around the table, "oh yeah, how'd that go man?" Luke asked from next to Joe,

"Yeah, it went well" Chris replied as he looked up at Luna. Obviously he wasn't going to disclose to his friends that not only did the blonde get mad and leave, but that it was because he moaned out the name of his best friends girlfriend. Plus part of him really wanted to see if it got any kind of reaction out of Luna. "Yeah she stayed the night, left early this morning" he replied with a smirk as Joe patted him on the back. He'd noticed the look of disappointment on her face last night before it quickly disappeared and he could've sworn for a brief moment, he just saw it again. Or maybe he was just imagining things, what the fuck was this woman doing to him?

The group continued to chat among themselves, Luna and Chris's eyes continued to find each other. Fleeting looks that lingered longer then they knew they should. The waitress brought over their food and everyone began eating, "Can I get you guys anything else?" she asked the table, although she was looking directly at Chris fluttering her eyelashes at him, "I think we're good for now sweetheart" Chris replied winking at the young waitress. She was no older than 23 Luna thought, a good 10 years younger than Chris. She was blonde and pretty, just like the girl from last night, clearly Chris had a type. Luna internally rolled her eyes as she watched the girl blush bright red while nodding at Chris, before retreating back to the kitchen.

"Luna, I didn't get a chance to find out too much about you last night" Scott asked, turning towards Luna. "How old are you? What do you do? How long have you lived in the US?" Chris was in two minds, part of him didn't care to learn anymore about Luna, wanting to forget every aspect of her he'd already learned. Whereas the other part, wanted to know everything, her likes, her dislikes, her hopes, her dreams, everything you could possibly know about another person.

"Well I'm 29, I turn 30 in September, so only 2 months"

"No way"

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