Chapter 14: No means no.

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About an hour later everyone was starting to feel the effects of the several bottles of liquor Ed had the bar tender bring over to the table. Luna especially, she knew she should slow down, but she didn't want to.

The alcohol mixed with the feeling of Chris being this close to her was sending her head in to a spin. She could feel his knee brushing up against her bare leg every now and then. She knew he was doing it on purpose but right now she didn't care, she fucking loved it and she wanted more.

Chris flinched in shock when he felt her place her hand over his knee under the table. He was now incredibly thankful for the darkness off the club and the table hiding what was going on. He turned to see her already looking at him. Her eyes were dark with lust and her lips were curled up into a smirk. He knew that looks, he'd seen that look; he hadn't been able to get that look out of his head since Thursday. She was turned on.

Chris brought his hand up to cover Luna's, giving it a gentle squeeze before he moved it across to her bare thigh. She let out a small gasp at his touch, only loud enough for him to hear. This caused a smug grin to form on Chris's lips. He couldn't express just how proud he was that he could have this effect on her.

Luna suddenly became incredibly hot as she felt Chris's thumb softly caressing her thigh. She felt like her whole body was on fire, literally burning with desire for him. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the other night, the way he touched her, the way his lips felt on her skin and the way her body felt when he gave her the best orgasm of her life.

Suddenly she felt like she couldn't breathe, the mix of the alcohol and Chris's touch becoming too much for her to handle. She quickly cleared her throat before standing up, her body instantly cooling at the lack of Chris's touch, that cold feeling she hated, "I'm just gonna use the toilet" she spoke to the table before moving towards the bathroom.

She felt Chris's eyes on her as she quickly weaved through the tables before reaching the corridor that held the toilets. She pushed the door open heading straight for the mirrors, leaning her hands on the sink as she took in her reflection.

She needed to get a grip of herself, she had no idea how one person could have this much of an effect on her. She turned on the tap running the water, before splashing her face in an attempt to cool down.

After a few minutes of trying to cool down and attempting to give herself a pep talk, she felt ready to head back out there. She opened the door but as she was about to leave a large pair of hands gripped her hips and pushed her back in to the bathroom. The door shut behind them and suddenly she was pressed up against it, those baby blues looking right at her.

"What are you playing at?"he asked, his hands still had a firm grip on her hips, keeping her body pressed against his.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she replied coyly, smirking up at him.

"God you're trouble"

"But you can't walk away"

She was right he couldn't; there was no way it would be physically possible for him to walk away from this woman. She was his weakness, his kryptonite and he knew in that moment he would do anything she asked of him. He couldn't resist her anymore; he had to feel her again.

Threading his hand through her hair he titled her head back before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. The kiss was more urgent than the ones they'd previously shared, more heated and all tongue and teeth. His hands moved from her waist down to her ass, taking each perky cheek in his hands, gripping them roughly. She moaned in to his mouth as her hands clutched at his hair.

He pulled back, leaning his forehead against hers, still needing her ass cheeks in his hands, "you've been a bad girl baby, teasing me all night in that dress, your tits are basically falling out of it" he growled as he lowered his head to plant sloppy kisses across her cleavage.

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