Chapter 7: Dirty.

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It had been a week since they'd gotten back to Boston and Chris had done everything in his power to avoid Luna. He'd turned down going out with his friends because he knew she'd be there. He'd even left places earlier than usual because he knew she was coming. He just couldn't watch her with Matt, it was killing him. After what happened on the plane, he was starting to realise he couldn't escape these feelings he was having for her. His only way to deal with it was to act like she didn't exist and that's exactly what he was doing.

Except that was about to get really fucking hard. Today was Saturday and he was going to a barbeque at his friend Tara's house. All his friends were gonna be there and Scott, even his sister's and nieces and nephews. And of course, She was gonna be there, with Matt. He could just not go, but he's barely seen anyone since being back out of fear of her being there, people would start getting suspicious. He knew Tara would know something was up, she always knew when something was going on with him.

Chris never believed in that love at first sight shit, he always thought it was a load of bull. But the more he thought about Luna and the way she made him feel, the more he began to believe that maybe it does exist. The more that thought crept in to his mind, the more eager he was to push it away. He could not be having these feelings about her. Matt is his best friend, he could never hurt him like that.

Luna was also struggling with the confusing feelings she was having towards Chris. After the plane, she hadn't been able to get him out of her head, his touch still lingering on her skin. She hadn't been able to focus at work. She messed up all her files for the accountant, fucked up her order from the supplier and to top it all off she spilt hot coffee all over herself one afternoon when covering for a sick employee. She'd been dreading running in to Chris, but she couldn't turn down spending time with Matt's friends, so she would just have to deal with it. But it seemed like Chris was avoiding her and as much as she was thankful not to see him, she hated it.

She also hated how this was affecting her relationship with Matt. Things had been great between them before she had met Chris. Now she was finding it hard to even look at Matt without Chris popping in to her head.

Just the other day Luna had been skipping through the channels on the TV whilst she waited for Matt to come over. Of course as she flipped over, Captain America: The First Avenger came on to the screen. And it was just her luck that it happened to be on the scene where Steve receives the serum, which meant on her TV screen was a topless Chris. Great. Clearly the universe hated her and wanted her to suffer. She went to turn it over when she started to feel the heat rising inside her. Fuck, now she was turned on. This was just getting worse.

Matt walked through the door a few minutes later and Luna practically jumped his bones before he fully made it inside. "Whoa, now that's a welcome"He smirked before lifting her up in to his arms and carrying her upstairs to her bedroom.

Her back hit the bed as Matt crawled over her and began kissing at her exposed neck. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back to give him better access. No matter how hard she tried to focus on Matt's lips on her skin, he was all she could think about. She began to imagine it was his mouth on her, his hands roaming all over her body.

They quickly rid each other of their clothes, before Matt leaned over her again capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Luna reached between them, holding his cock in her hand and guiding it towards her entrance. He hitched her right leg over his hip as he entered her, slowly pushing all the way in till he was balls deep inside her. He began to move slowly, before his thrusts began picking up speed.

Luna kept her eyes close, because she knew if she did Matt would feel just like him. She imagined it was Chris pounding relentlessly in to her over and over again. She was now extremely thankful that Matt wasn't very vocal in bed. She let out a load moan as she thought about what Chris would be like, whether he would talk dirty to her. God did she want him too.

Matt continued to thrust into her, his movements becoming more erratic as he felt himself getting closer. "You close baby?" He whispered in her ear. All Luna could do was nod, desperately trying to cling to the image of Chris on top of her. A few moments later Luna felt the built up coil finally snap inside of her. She felt Matt's hips falter before he released inside her.

He rolled over to the empty spot next to her on the bed, turning to face her. "That was amazing babe" he smiled as he gently kissed her lips, before getting up to go clean up. Luna just lied there for a moment. She felt dirty for thinking about another man whilst having sex with her boyfriend. She felt the guilt in a pit in her stomach. How the fuck was she ever gonna escape this?


When Luna arrived with Matt at Tara's house, they headed straight through the house to the kitchen. When they reached the room she spotted Tara and Scott stood talking by the kitchen island with two other women she didn't recognise. Matt had his arm securely around her waist as he guided them over to the group.

"Luna, Hi so great to see you" Tara spoke as she moved over to hug Luna. Since getting back from LA Luna had met Tara several times and she loved her, she was lovely and welcomed Luna right in to their little group. "Thank you so much for inviting me Tara" Luna pulled away from the hug just to be pulled in to another one by Scott. She'd become quite close with Scott since meeting him, they became fast friends.

"You look gorgeous, that dress looks great on you"Scott spoke gesturing to the mid length white spaghetti strap style sun dress Luna was wearing. She thanked him before turning her attention to the other two women in the room, "Luna this is Carly and Shanna, my sisters"

"It's lovely to finally meet you" The blonde, introduced as Carly said, "Scott's told us all about you" Shanna added, "Only good things I hope"Luna chuckled nervously,

"Of course, he's obsessed with you"Carly laughed, "Well I can say I'm certainly obsessed with him too" Luna laughed winking at Scott. "Hey what about me" Matt pouted at her as he wrapped his arms around her small frame, "yeah you're alright, but you're not Scott" she laughed as Matt began frowning, "oh shush stop sulking" she laughed, leaning up to give Matt a peck on the lips. "Oh you two are adorable" Carly said as Luna felt herself blushing, hiding her face in Matt's chest. Just then she heard someone clear their throat behind them.

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