Chapter 8: What the hell is going on with you?

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When Chris arrived at Tara's he heard voices coming from the kitchen. As he got closer he heard it, her voice. He could recognise it anywhere; it's all he heard every time he closed his eyes. Her soft voice calling out his name.

As he walked in to the room he saw her, god she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. She was wearing a knee length white sundress and she was glowing in the sunlight streaming in through the kitchen window, she looked like an angel. Then he had to stand there and watch as Matt wrapped his arms around her as she pressed her lips to his. Chris felt his heart break just a little more every time he saw them together.

He somehow found the courage to clear his throat, everyone in the room stopping to look in his direction. His eyes locked with hers briefly before he pulled them away to greet Tara who was coming his way. She hugged him tightly as Matt made his way over to greet him.

"Great to see you man" Matt said as he embraced Chris after he'd pulled apart from Tara. "Where the hell have you been" Matt chuckled pulling away from Chris, "Sorry man just been doing some redecorating at the house" Lie, but he couldn't exactly say sorry I've been avoiding you but I'm pretty sure I'm falling for your girlfriend.

Chris then bent down to let Dodger off his leash, "Oh you brought Dodge" Scott cooed as he moved over to fuss Dodger. Chris then greeted his sisters who had moved over to him. As he pulled away from hugging Shanna, he saw Luna stood in front of him right next to Matt. She was smiling up at Chris before she spoke, "Hi Chris, it's really great to see you again."

"Hey" was all Chris managed to get out before turning back towards the others, Luna didn't have long to feel the hurt of him barely acknowledging her because she felt something furry against her. She looked down to see the infamous Dodger rubbing against her legs. She bent down to his level and began to scratch behind his ears, "hello, why aren't you just a gorgeous boy" she cooed as the dog began to lick her chin, "oh kisses, thank you, thank you" she spoke to him in a high pitched baby voice as she continued stroking him.

Chris couldn't stand it, watching her interact with Dodger warmed his heart to the point he felt like he couldn't breathe, "My niece and nephews outside?"Chris asked Carly, "They certainly are" she replied. Chris whistled at dodger before calling him, "come on Dodge lets go outside" Dodger gave Luna one last lick on her chin before following his human outside.

Luna stood back up as she watched everyone follow Chris outside, she just stood there frozen. She couldn't take these mixed signals from him, why was he treating her like she didn't exist one minute but then the next he was comforting her during a panic attack.

"You coming babe?" Matt asked Luna after everyone else had gone outside, "I'll just be a minute I need to use the bathroom?" she lied, "course babe, its just down that hall at the end" Matt pointed towards Tara's toilet, "Thanks, I'll see you in a minute" she replied before heading down the hall to the bathroom.

Once she got inside, she leant her head back against the door, letting out a breath she'd been holding in since she first saw Chris again. Then she felt a tear slip down her cheek, one she'd desperately tried to hold in. She felt stupid, crying over a guy who didn't even give her a second thought. Why the fuck was she feeling this way. She hated to admit it but Matt had never made her feel the way Chris did. Sure he was lovely and he treated her so well, but she didn't feel that intense connection that she feels with Chris. She just couldn't shake the hold he had on her, no matter how much she desperately wanted to.

She looked over her reflection in the mirror, "get a grip Luna" she said to herself, before splashing water over her face and heading out in the direction of the back garden.

It had been a few hours since they'd all been at Tara's. Chris was still avoiding Luna like the plague, getting up to move every time she sat down and ignoring anything she said. To top it off his niece and nephews had all taken a liking to Luna, which meant he'd had to endure interacting with them. Watching her running around the garden playing pirates with the boys. Forced to watch as she played princess tea parties with Stella. He had to watch her get on great with his sisters and Tara, all of them saying how great they thought she was. Even Dodger loved her, constantly following her around because he knew he could get cuddles from her. As much as it gave him this warm fuzzy feeling seeing her get on so well with all of his favourite people, he was always reminded that she wasn't his, she belonged to someone else.

Chris was sat with his sisters Tara and Scott, when Luna came over taking a seat next to him, "I think those kids have officially worn me out" she chuckles trying to catch her breath. It was all too much for Chris, her sweet flowery smell was overwhelming, the feel of her body heat right next to him, and he couldn't take it. He got up immediately "I'm gonna grab another drink" he spoke as he left the group.

Luna's face dropped as soon as he got up and left. It was breaking her heart him avoiding her. Nobody had really noticed Chris's behaviour, nobody except Tara. She'd seen the way Chris was being with Luna, she knew something was up. She also didn't miss how deflated Luna looked when yet again Chris moved away from her.

Tara excused herself from the group and followed Chris in to the kitchen where she found him grabbing a beer from the fridge. "Okay, what the hell is going on with you" She demanded from him, Chris looked at her confused as he twisted the cap off the bottle, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you acting all fucking weird all night. Ever since you got here you've been sulking"

She knew, fuck she knew, of course she knew. Chris began to panic, he knew Tara would see right through him, "I don't know what you're talking about" he tried to play dumb.

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid Chris" Tara frowned, "Why the hell are you being so rude to Luna" there it was. "Do you really think I haven't noticed how you've either avoided or ignored her all night, what the fuck is going on?"

Chris looked up at Tara, a defeated look spread across his face, his shoulders were slumped and his eyes were sad, he was devastated. Tara knew Chris, better than anybody really, she knew that look. Just then it clicked in her head and all of a sudden his behaviour made sense.

"You have feelings for her don't you?"

He just looked at her, he couldn't find the words, he just nodded, "oh Chris" she replied softly as she made her way over to him embracing him in a hug. She stood there for a moment just holding him before she pulled away, "tell me everything"

Chris proceeded to tell Tara everything that had happened since he'd met Luna, the fleeting looks, the touches, the warm feeling in his chest. "I don't know what to do Tara, Matt's my best friend, I can't hurt him, why the fuck is this happening" Chris covered his face with his hands, a tear slipping free. Tara pulled his hands from his face and took them in hers, "You need to talk to Matt"

Chris shook his head, "how the hell am I supposed to do that Tara, 'oh by the way Matt I have feelings for your girlfriend' I can't do that to him"

"So what, you're just gonna bottle up your feelings and hope they go away" Tara asked "how is that fair on you? You can't help how you feel Chris."

"I have to Tara and you can't say anything please" He begged, tightening his grip on her hands, "of course I won't, but Chris are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I have to Tara"

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