Chapter 15: Desire.

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The car ride back to Luna's seemed to never end. Their hands hadn't left each other since they first got in the cab; they were both getting incredibly impatient and needed to be as close as physically possible to each other. Chris gripped her hips tightly, keeping her pressed up against him as their tongues explored each others mouths. Luna could feel the heat building up in her core just from the intense making out, she knew she was already soaking and her juices had ruined the black lace thong she was wearing.

Finally the car pulled in to the drive way. All too quickly, Luna jumped out of the car running straight to the door to get it unlocked, as Chris paid the taxi driver before rushing after her. When he reached the door she was still struggling with the key in the lock. He wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, huge hands covering hers and guiding the key in to the lock as he placed sloppy kisses along her bare neck.

Luna's skin was burning with pure desire; she no longer cared if they got the door open, she wanted him to take her right here. Bend her over the porch and fuck her till she couldn't walk. She didn't care anymore, she needed him.

Before she could think about it any longer Chris twisted the key in the lock and flung the door open. Turning Luna in his arms, his strong hands gripped the back of her thighs, "jump" he whispered against her lips, she did as he said and wrapped her legs around his waist as he kicked the front door shut with his foot. Now she could feel the affect she was having on him as his hard cock pressed against her throbbing pussy, she moaned in to his mouth at the insane feeling.

"Bedroom?" Chris mumbled as he carried her towards the stairs, "up the stairs first door on the left" Luna began attacking his neck now, running her tongue along the vein that stood out, hearing Chris let out a guttural moan as he easily manoeuvred them both up the stairs.

He reached her bedroom door, kicking it open before dropping her down on the bed. He quickly made his way to hover over her, his lips reconnecting with hers. He'd never get over the way her soft plump lips felt, fitting perfectly against his own, like she was made especially for him. He believed she was, created to fit him perfectly and he knew her pussy would be exactly the same.

He deepened the kiss by tilting her head back, fingers threading through her hair as he gave it a tug. This made Luna moan in to his mouth, small hands clutching desperately at his back as he ground his hard cock against her.

Chris started tugging on the hem of her dress, "as sexy as you look in this baby its gotta come off" he mumbled against her neck as he licked a stripe across her sweet spot, before nibbling gently. Luna arched her back as her fingers clutched at his hair, allowing Chris to easily reach under her and pull down the zip of her dress. He quickly discarded the material, sitting back on his knees to take in the sight in front of him.

He growled as he saw her bare breasts, no bra in sight "you dirty girl" he moaned as he reached for the hem of his own shirt, throwing it to the floor to join her dress. His mouth quickly connected with her left nipple as his hand began kneading her other boob, "no bra you dirty little slut."

She had no idea why his words had this much of an affect on her, but she was fucking loving every minute of it. She keened at the dirty talk mixed with the feeling of his wet tongue swirling around her nipple.

Chris could see how much his words were affecting her; he noticed that the last time. He was slowly discovering this woman had many of the same kinks he did and he would be lying if he said he didn't fucking love it.

His left hand wondered from her waist to her clothed pussy, he instantly felt how wet she was, absolutely dripping for him.

"Jesus you're fucking soaked" he growled as he captured her lips with his.

Suddenly he felt something else wet, but against his bicep this time. He broke away from her, turning to his right before he got a face full of tongue, unfortunately it wasn't Luna's.

They'd been so wrapped up in each other they'd forgotten about Rex, who had climbed on the bed and was now licking Chris's face excitedly. Luna burst out laughing as Rex continued to assault Chris's face with kisses. Quickly the anger Chris had felt towards the intrusion was replaced with laughter as he reached out to stroke the excited golden retriever.

"Okay buddy, calm down" he laughed as he moved to sit beside Luna as Rex curled up next to her, now giving her the same treatment Chris just received.

Chris looked over at Luna, seeing her eyes heavy and bloodshot and her hair a mess. He'd completely forgotten just how much she'd actually had to drink and suddenly he realised if he slept with her tonight he'd be taking advantage and she may regret it tomorrow and he didn't want that to be a memory of him she had.

"Maybe we should slow down a little"

He saw her face drop as she turned to look at him, her eyes saddened at his words, "oh right okay" all of a sudden she felt incredibly exposed as she reached for the blanket at the end of her bed, quickly covering her bare chest from his gaze.

"Hey, no I didn't mean it like that'"He moved to take her face in his hands so she'd have no choice but to look at him. "Its not that I don't want to Luna, believe me this is all I've thought about since the moment I met you and I honestly didn't ever see me wanting to slow this down, but we've both had a lot to drink and I don't want to take advantage of you and you do something you might regret"

"I could never regret you Chris," she softly spoke as her hands reached up to intertwine her fingers with his, "But I understand, you're right."

He leant down to kiss her softly, before pulling back and resting his forehead against hers, "Just know that I really do want this, more than anything, but I think this is something we should talk about sober, I don't want this to ruin this before it's even started."

Luna felt her heart warm at his words, she so badly wanted him, in more ways than one, she realised that now. But he was right; they needed to be smart about this, because there were still someone else's feelings to consider. As much as she tried to push Matt to the back of her mind, he was still there.

"I mean this doesn't mean you have to leave does it?" Luna whispered looking up in to Chris's eyes, "I just really want to be around you right now"

She looked up at him with those beautiful brown eyes with a slight pout on those perfect plump lips and he knew in that moment he couldn't say no to her.

"Oh don't worry you're not getting rid of me that easily" He smirked before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

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