Chapter 13: Attention.

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She was here. Chris knew it was her, he knew that laugh anywhere. Turning to his right, he glanced over to the booth directly opposite the one he was currently occupying and there she was.

He swore she got more beautiful every time he saw her, if that was even possible. Her long brunette hair flowed down her back in perfect curls, falling just above the supple cheeks of her ass. Her gorgeous figure was on show in the tight red mini dress she was wearing. Chris could feel his cock twitch in his pants just by looking at her.

By now he'd been staring for a good few minutes, completed entranced by her. He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts by a tapping on his arm. He turned back to see Scott facing him.

"What are you looking at?" he asked before moving to look around his brother to see what he'd been previously occupied by. "Oh my god it's Luna" Scott shrieked happily.

As much as Chris knew Luna needed time before she'd be ready to talk, he couldn't help but hope Scott would start an interaction with her. He needed something from her, anything, he was desperate. It was like Scott had read his mind when he shouted over to the table Luna was sat at,

"LUNA" Scott shouted, maybe a little too loud for the quieter VIP area. Straight away everyone sat at the table turned their heads to where the voice had come from.

Luna turned her head to the left at the sound of her name. Her eyes landing straight on his. She froze. He was here. She'd desperately wanted to take her mind off him tonight, get drunk with her friends and forget about the terrible fucking mess she'd made. Clearly the universe had other ideas.

Luna then realised it hadn't been Chris's voice that had called out for her, but Scott's. "Is that Scott?" Jake spoke as the group all stared at the table across from them. Scott got up from his table heading over to the group.

Luna stood up holding out her arms to embrace her friend as he made his way over, "omg Hi" Scott chirped as he hugged Luna, "I didn't know you guys were coming out tonight?" He questioned as he pulled away from the hug, his hands still holding on to Luna's arms.

"Yeah it was a last minute thing, Cece just told me I was, I had no choice in it" Luna replied rolling her eyes as she turned to face her best friend, who had also gotten up from her seat to come over and greet the youngest Evans brother.

"Well I wouldn't expect anything less" Scott chuckled as he moved to wrap his arms around Cece. "Well I wasn't going to let her sulk at home watching P.S I love you all weekend."

"P.S I love you?" Scott questioned, furrowing his brows at Luna as he pulled away from Cece, "isn't that your sad movie?"

Why did everyone know that was her sad movie? "It's still a really good film" Luna argued looking between her two friends. Cece just brushed the conversation off, but Scott thought it was weird. Why was she watching her sad movie? She'd told him before that she doesn't just watch it when she's a bit sad; she watches it when she's heart broken. What on earth could she be heartbroken about? She and Matt were fine as far as he knew. Before he had time to think about it, he was greeted by the rest of Luna's little group.

"It's great to see you all again" Scott spoke addressing the table, "Oh you guys haven't met my brother yet have you?"

Luna felt her heart beat faster just at the mention of Chris. She was also trying to push away the feeling of his eyes burning in to her. They had been ever since Scott came over.

Chris watched as Scott interacted with everyone around Luna's table. She hadn't looked at him since she first saw him, but he couldn't take his eyes off her. He in a trance when he heard Scott's voice calling to him, "Chris, come over here and meet some people."

As Scott spoke everyone looked over to Chris, including her. Their eyes met across the room. He once again couldn't gauge her expression. Was she happy to see him? Was she pissed at him? He had no fucking idea.

He realised they were all still staring at him, waiting for him to react. Quickly he moved from his seat and over to the booth, hoping no one had noticed him staring at Luna.

As he walked he realised he was gonna have to greet her and he had no idea what to do. He didn't even expect her to even acknowledge him, which was why he was shocked when she reached out her arms to hug him. He embraced her small frame as she spoke, "Hey Chris great to see you."

"Yeah you too" he pulled back, confused by her reaction. Chris wasn't the only one confused. Scott couldn't believe the hug he'd just seen. Ever since they met Chris has been nothing but hostile towards Luna. What had changed?

"Guys this is Chris, Chris this is, well everyone" Luna chuckled, introducing Chris to the group.

Hey man good to meet you' Ed spoke standing up, extending his hand out to Chris to shake, "I'm Ed, Luna's older brother, hope everything's all okay for you in VIP, if you need anything just let me know"

Chris looked at Ed confused as he shook his hand. Ed noticed Chris's expression, quickly explaining himself, "sorry I probably should have led with the fact that I own this place" he laughed.

"Ohhhh" Chris chuckled, "I was just thinking you were really friendly"

Ed laughed as he moved to grab his beer from the table, "seriously though, everything okay for you?" he asked Chris.

"Yeah man its great thank you, I always love coming here, you have a great place."

"Thanks mate I appreciate it."

Luna continued to introduce Chris to the rest of the table. All of them acting a lot more normal than she expected, considering they all knew who Chris was. Although she could see Jake was itching to ask him about Captain America. He was a huge Marvel fan and cap was his favourite. Luna was actually surprised he hadn't burst with excitement yet.

"Hey, why don't I get another table pulled over and you guys join us?" Ed asked Chris before signalling one of his employees to come over. Before Chris could even answer Ed had told the young bar tender to help him pull over an extra table to the booth.

Chris looked to Luna, surprised to see her smiling up at him. Luna was also shocked by her reaction ever since Chris came over to the table, she just felt like she needed to be close to him, she was blaming it on the alcohol in her system.

Scott returned to their table to let the guys know they were moving. They all came back over and introductions were made to the rest of the group, before they all sat around the table Ed and the bar tender had just moved over.

Luna resumed sitting at the edge of the booth, gesturing for Chris to sit next to her. He was still shocked she was paying him any attention at all, but he'd be dammed if he wasn't going to enjoy it.

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