Epilogue II: Happyily ever after.

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5 years later.

"Chris do you know where I put my..." Luna paused as she entered her daughter's bedroom to find the four year old applying bright pink lipstick to her husband.

"Look Mummy Daddy a princess" Mia giggled as she smiled brightly, clearly very proud of her handy work.

"Do I look pretty?" Chris asked as he turned to face his wife who was now leaning against the doorway.

"The prettiest" Luna smirked.

Mia now held a mirror up in front of her Dad as she swung happily back and forth.

"Oh peanut I think this is your best look yet" Chris smiled as he quickly wrapped his daughter up in his arms, tickling her sides gently.

"Daddy stop" Mia got out in between giggles.

Luna watched on happily as her husband played with their daughter. Ever since Mia had been born she'd been a daddy's girl. She looked just like Luna, but her personality was all Chris. She had found out she was pregnant not long after Chris had proposed so they decided not to wait around to tie the knot. Just deciding to get married in their garden, surrounded by their closest friends and family.

Luna was quickly broke from her thoughts by something pulling at the hem of her dress. Looking down she saw those familiar baby blues staring up at her.

"Hey baby" she smiled as she bent down slightly to wrap her arms around her son, lifting him up to sit on her hip.

"Hi Mummy" Milo giggled as he nuzzled his head into Luna's neck.

When they had gone for her first scan they were both shocked to find out they were having twins, but both equally as excited. Milo was the spitting image of Chris, but unlike Mia he was a huge Mummy's boy. He was very shy and cautious, much like she had been as a child. The complete opposite of Mia who jumps head first in to everything, sometimes literally. Luna knew though that Mia would always take care of her younger brother, even if she was only older by fifteen minutes.

"Are you excited to see Grandma Lisa and Nanna Claire?" Luna asked Milo as she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Today was the twins fourth birthday and everyone was coming around for their party.

Milo nodded excitedly as he threw his little hands around Luna's neck.

"Okay buddy" Chris spoke as he approached the two in the doorway, "why don't you come here, Mummy shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting" Chris frowned slightly at Luna as he reached out for Milo, who was incredibly reluctant to let go of his Mother.

"You worry too much" Luna smiled as Milo finally let go of her, instead choosing to nuzzle his face in to Chris's neck.

"You're 36 weeks pregnant Luna" Chris raised his eyebrows as his free hand that wasn't holding Milo reached out to rest against Luna's swollen belly.

"Wow she's active today" Chris smiled as he felt their baby kick his hand lightly.

"Yeah, she's definitely ready to come out" Luna smiled as she rested her hand over Chris's. "How are you two feeling about being out numbered?" she smirked and raised her eyebrow at her husband.

"I want a brother" Milo pouted.

"Well buddy" Chris chuckled as his hand came up to ruffle his son's hair, "when your sister is here I'll get right on that" he now turned his gaze to Luna as he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're terrible" she smiled as she leant up to kiss him softly.

"Ewwww" Milo giggled as he attempted to pull Chris's face away, "my mummy"

Luna laughed as she watched her son argue with her husband over her, before she felt Mia clinging at her legs.

"Mummy, when is cake?" Mia asked, her big brown eyes staring up at Luna.

"Later baby" Luna told her daughter for the fourth time that day. "Why don't we head downstairs you guys can play with some of your new toys before everyone gets here?"

"Yay!!" Mia cheered before she turned to face her brother, "come on milo" she shrieked before taking off down the stairs. Milo quickly wriggled in Chris's arms before he placed him back down and he took off after his sister.

"That'll keep them busy for a while" Luna smiled as she turned to face her husband as she found him just staring at her. "What?"

"Just thinking" he smirked.

"About what?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around his torso the best she could with her protruding belly.

"About us" Chris smiled as he leant down to press a kiss to her nose, "I used to dream about this"


"Our life together, this was just how I imagined it" he beamed as his hand came up to rest against her cheek, "I love you so much Luna, thank you."

"For what?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"For saving me, for loving me, for agreeing to spend your life with me and for blessing me with our three children. You are the love of my life Mrs Evans.

"And you are mine Mr Evans" she beamed before she reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him gently.

"Just you, me and our perfect little family." He smiled widely as they pulled apart.


Before he could pull her in for another kiss they heard the front door go and the screams of joy from the four year olds downstairs along with the excited barks of both Rex and Dodger.

"That'll be Mum" Luna smiled as she gave Chris one more peck on the cheek before turning to head down the stairs.

Chris watched his wife as he thought about how lucky he was that she walked in to his party all those years ago. Even if they had their ups and downs, all of it led to this beautiful life they have created together. He always knew that Luna was made for him and now he gets to spend the rest of his life loving her in their own happily ever after.

The End.


A/N: Hey guys so we've come to the end of this book I really hope you guys enjoyed it please vote and comment to let me know. So I'm gonna be posting to ask you guys what you want to see next. So I have a few stories that I've got going and I wanna know which one you guys want first so I'll be asking you to help me choose, please give me a follow and do let me know! Thank you all so much! I've loved writing and posting this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it! Love you all!

A xx

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