Chapter 11: Intense.

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"That if I had my way, then you would be mine"

She was dreaming, she must be. This couldn't be real. There was no way those words really just came out of his mouth. Yes that's it, she was dreaming. She was at home in bed dreaming and none of this was actually happening.

Just then she felt his fingers brush along her shoulder as he moved her cardigan to the side. Goosebumps covering her skin at his touch.


This wasn't a dream.

This was happening.

She had no idea how long she'd been stood there, frozen. Her body felt paralysed. Not in a million years did she ever think this was how it would go. She just expected him to tell her she was right, he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. Sure it would have hurt like hell but then at least she could move on, focus on her relationship with Matt. But this, this was so much worse.

He felt the same. He'd had all the same feelings and reactions that she had. This whole time he wasn't ignoring her because he hated her. He was trying to avoid his feelings, just like she was.

Chris was beginning to worry. Luna hadn't said a word in over a minute and he was still incredibly aware of how close he was stood to her. Clearly he'd crossed a line. He was crazy to think she could ever have any of the same feelings as him. He took a step back from her, realising the mistake he'd made.

"Luna I'm sorry, I never should've..."

"Don't" she interrupted, finally finding the courage to turn and face him, "Don't take it back" Chris looked at her confused, he couldn't read her expression, he had no idea what she was thinking right now and he hated it.

"Did you mean it?" she was looking right at him now. Luna had no idea where this burst of confidence had come from but she was glad she had it. She wasn't gonna let him get out of this, if he meant it, he had to own it. "Be honest Chris."

"Of course I meant it"

"Good" she stepped closer to him, closing the gap he'd made between them. Her eyes flickering to his lips before they landed back on his baby blues. "Then do something about it."

That was all Chris needed. He didn't waste anymore time. His hands cupped her cheeks as he crashed his lips against hers. Luna reacted instantly, her lips moving against his. Her arms coming up to grip his biceps, nails digging in to his soft skin. She'd never get used to the feeling of his touch. That electric feeling running through the both of them as he deepened the kiss. This felt better than either of them could have imagined.

He snaked his left hand through her hair gripping it tightly as she moaned softly in to his mouth. That sound. He needed to hear that again. This spurred him on even more as his tongue swiped across her bottom lip, begging for entrance. Their tongues fought for dominance, his winning as he tilted her head back slightly for better access.

Luna was overwhelmed, all her senses heightened at the feeling of him. She couldn't believe this was happening, as wrong as she knew it was, she couldn't stop herself. All her thoughts melting away as she became fully consumed by him. She moved her arms up to wrap around his neck, needing him closer to her in every way possible.

He moved his right hand from her face, running it along her body until he reached her waist, gripping it tightly and pulling her against his chest. He also couldn't believe this was happening. This was all he'd wanted since meeting her and there was no way he was gonna let this opportunity slip away from him.

As they kissed Chris began to move them back to the couch she had previously occupied. The kiss became more heated as he laid her down on the couch. She instantly parted her legs as he found his place between them. His hands began to roam her body. He wanted to touch her everywhere he could, memorise every inch of her in case he never got to do this again. His hands crept up her stomach under her top; quickly realising she wasn't wearing a bra. He pulled away from her lips letting out a low growl as he grabbed her boobs in his hands and began kneading them softly.

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