Chapter 20: Perfect.

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Chris couldn't believe she was actually here, that he was actually touching her, holding her, that she was real. He'd convinced himself she wasn't coming and she'd chosen Matt over him. But here she was, holding tightly on to him as he guided them back in to the house without breaking the kiss between them.

The door slammed shut as he gently pushed her up against it, his large hands grabbing all over her body desperately, like if he let himself stop for even a second she'd disappear.

Luna sensed the urgency and neediness in the kiss, she knew he was worried that she would take off again, so she knew she needed to show him she didn't want to be anywhere else other than in his arms. She pulled apart from him, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "I'm not going anywhere baby."

"Good, cause there's no fucking way I'm letting you go ever again" he smiled brightly as he leant his forehead against hers, kissing her nose lightly.

"Now, aren't you going to get me out of these wet clothes?" she teased raising her eyebrows at him. Her words caused a deep growl to leave Chris's chest as he quickly scooped her up in his arms, making his way to his bedroom. He reached the door throwing it open, also remembering to shut it behind them so there wouldn't be any more interruptions from attention seeking dogs, he'd had enough of that.

He gently threw her down on the bed, urgently moving to hover over her, catching her lips with his. She felt his tongue run across her bottom lip, begging for entrance which she instantly granted him. His hands cupped her cheeks as he tilted her head back deepening the kiss.

Luna's hands roamed his back, clutching tightly at the jacket she couldn't believe he was still wearing, huffing when she couldn't pull the wet material from him. He chuckled lightly at her attempt to undress him, moving back to sit on his knees above her. "Don't worry baby I got it" he smirked as he pulled off the jacket and his top all at once.

Luna reached for his belt fumbling with the buckle, desperately trying to rid him of the rest of his clothes. Chris tutted at her lightly, a playful grin on his face, "don't you think we should get some clothes off you too?"

"You've seen me naked twice now and I'm still yet to get you out of your pants Evans" She smirked as she laid back, her head hitting the pillows.

"I guess that's fair" he chuckled as he stood up from the bed, pulling his jeans off leaving him in just his boxers. He quickly moved back over her, "better?"

"Much." She grinned as he leant down to kiss her again, their tongues moving together as one like they were always meant too. Luna assisted Chris in ridding her of her jacket and the strappy crop top she had on underneath, revealing to him that yet again she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Jesus do you do that on purpose? Do you even own a bra?" She smirked up at him as she seductively pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling gently, the sight making Chris feel like he cum right there in his boxers.

He leant down gently sucking at the swell of her breasts, his warm tongue coming up to flick over her nipple, his hand paying the same attention to the other. "I'll honestly never get over how perfect your tits are" He mumbled against her skin, as he sucked her nipple between his teeth.

"Well now they're all yours" this made Chris growl deeply as he softly bit her nipple, eliciting a breathy moan from her soft lips. "That's right they are" he moaned as kneaded her breasts softly.

At this point Luna was a whimpering moaning mess beneath him, she was absolutely desperate for him to touch her. She bucked her hips off the bed, showing him how much she needed him.

"Relax baby I'm gonna take care of you" he grinned as he popped open the button on her jeans, taking advantage of her arched back which helped him easily pull down her jeans and discard them on the floor with the rest of their clothes.

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