Chapter 9: Alone.

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It had been two weeks since Tara's house and as much as he's tried Chris couldn't avoid Luna. She was everywhere. Every time he hung out with his friends, she was there. Last week he'd turned up to Carly's house for dinner to see that she'd invited Luna and Matt too.

He just kept running in to her everywhere he went, the grocery store, his favourite pizza place, even the fucking vet. He had taken Dodger for a check up and there she was in the waiting room. He would never get used to that butterfly feeling in his stomach every time he saw her. They'd had an awkward interaction which consisted of him attempting to ignore her and her being as sickeningly nice as she always was. Meanwhile Dodger and Rex got on great, playing with each other blissfully unaware of the unspoken tension between their humans. Luckily she was called in to an exam room before the conversation could go much further than a quick hello.

He had even found himself going past one of her coffee shops, the one she frequented the most from what he gathered, when he was walking Dodger, just trying to get a glimpse of her.

Now he was walking through the local park walking Dodger, trying to resist heading towards the coffee shop. That's when he saw her, sitting alone on a bench, with Rex curled up by her feet. He desperately wanted to turn around and walk the other way, but he couldn't, especially when he noticed she was crying. As he got closer he could hear her soft whimpers and sniffles. She was wearing a long sleeve mid length blue sun dress, the sleeves appeared to be wet with her tears. "Luna, are you okay?"

Luna's head shot up immediately as she heard his voice, she knew it was him. She turned to her right to see Chris, his hair was hidden underneath a NASA cap and he was wearing a white long sleeve T shirt and jeans, obviously he looked incredible as usual. "Hi, yeah I'm fine" she managed to squeak out before wiping her eyes on her sleeve again.

"You don't look fine" Chris replied, moving to sit beside her on her left. Dodger and Rex gave each other a sniff before sitting beside each other. "What's going on?"

Luna was confused, why was he being nice, all he ever did was ignore her. Was this just because she was crying, she certainly didn't need his pity, "honestly Chris it's fine, I don't need your pity." She went to move before his hand landed on her arm stopping her, "It's not pity, I really wanna know if you're okay" She looked between his face and his hand on her arm. "Talk to me Luna"

She knew she should just leave, but she couldn't help but crave any sort of attention from him. "I don't wanna bore you with my shit" she replied as she began fiddling with her fingers in her lap. Chris moved his hand from her arm to her hands in her lap covering her two small ones with his much larger one.

"You could never bore me" he was looking right in to her eyes, she couldn't bring herself to look away. "Today's just a hard day for me" she replied, still staring right at him.


"Today's the anniversary of my Dad's death, 7 years ago today"

Chris watched as more tears began to fall down her cheeks. Of course he remembered her saying her Dad had passed, but he didn't know much more about it. He reached his hands up to cup her face turning her towards him. He gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, "I'm so sorry Luna, I had no idea that was today"

"It's okay, it hurts a lot less than it did but this day still gets to me"

"How did he die? If you don't mind me asking? I don't want to intrude"

"No don't worry you're not" she took a breath before replying, "he had a heart attack, he died in hospital"she felt comfortable with him, safe. So she continued on, "I was at work when I got the call; he passed before any of us had the chance to get there. It still hurts that in his final moments, he was alone."

"Oh Luna I'm so sorry" She began to cry again, Chris moved his hands from her cheeks to wrap her around her small frame pulling her close to him. She buried her head in his chest, sniffling quietly. Chris stroked her hair as she cried against him, whispering that it was going to be okay and just like before on the plane, it calmed Luna. Chris placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head before she pulled back to look at him. Her arms were wrapped around his torso while his sat around her waist. They stared right at each other, slowly moving closer before their lips were so close he could feel her hot breath against his skin. This was it, he was just about to close the gap and she wanted him too.

Just then Luna felt something cold and wet against her leg, she looked down to see Dodger nudging her with his nose then licking her leg. She chuckled as she pulled apart from Chris to pet dodger, "looks like someone wants some attention" she scratched Dodger behind his ears before Rex joined him to get some attention. Both Chris and Luna were internally thanking Dodger for stopping them from what they were about to do.

They sat there for a while longer, just chatting, mostly Chris asking her about her Dad. Luna seemed to perk up a lot while they were talking and Chris was more than happy that he'd managed to bring that smile back to her face. That beautiful smile that lit up every room she entered. She'd just finished telling him a story about her Dad, when Chris spoke up, "you fancy getting a coffee"

He regretted it as soon as he said it, why would she want that. Before his mind could spiral she replied, "I'd love too" They smiled at each other and just as he was about to reply, her phone started ringing, she moved to grab it from her pocket, "oh it's Matt" of course it was, "I should take this" she said before answering the phone.

Chris zoned out then, he didn't want to hear their conversation. About a minute later she hung up the phone and turned towards him. "I'm sorry that was Matt, he's on his way to mine"

Chris didn't want to hear anymore than that, "no worries" Luna noticed his whole demeanour had changed and he was back to being cold towards her. He stood up, Dodgers leash in his hand, "I'm sorry Chris, another time though?"

"Yeah I don't think so" All of a sudden he was a completely different person. "Chris I..." He didn't give her a chance to reply, "Bye Luna" he shot back before quickly walking away from her and out of the park. Leaving Luna sat there, confused as fuck and alone.

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