Chapter 40: Missed you.

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After a few minutes both of them had begun to calm down, the sobs gradually getting quieter. Luna pulled her head away from Chris's neck to look up at him. She didn't want to push him but she physically couldn't stop herself as she reached up and placed a soft kiss to his jaw, then his nose and then the corner of his mouth. She watched as a small smile graced his lips as he looked down at her.

Chris also couldn't stop himself as his hands came up to cradle Luna's face gently before he lent down to capture her lips with his own. The kiss started of gentle as they each poured out their love for each other. Quickly it grew more heated as they grabbed at each other, trying to be as close as humanly possible.

Luna's hands grabbed at Chris's neck as his moved down her body to grip her hips tightly. It had been so long since he had got to experience her taste and he honestly never thought he would again. All those months spent imagining how she felt, trying his best to hang on to the memory of her, none of it could compare to the real thing.

As they continued to explore each other's mouths Luna felt Chris's hands tap the back of her thighs and she instantly knew what he was trying to communicate as she jumped up wrapping her legs around him. He caught her effortlessly as he manoeuvred them over to the stairs, expertly carrying her up them without breaking the kiss.

As he reached her bedroom he kicked the door shut behind them as he moved over to the bed, laying her down gently. She pulled him straight down on top of her as he found his place between her legs. He finally broke the kiss as he rested his forehead against hers, stroking her cheek gently.

"I've missed you so fucking much" he croaked out, trying his hardest not to cry again, but Luna just smiled up at him as she kissed his nose gently.

"It's okay Chris, you can let it out" she spoke softly as she reached up to wipe away a tear that had fallen, "I missed you too"

He lent down to place a soft kiss on her lips before his kisses spread across her jaw and down her neck. He quickly found her sweet spot and sucked on it gently. Luna moaned loudly beneath him as her hands came up to tangle in his hair. As Chris kissed down her neck his fingers played with the hem of the T-shirt she was wearing.

"Is this mine?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe" she smiled as she bit her lip, trying to hide the blush that had crept on to her cheeks. Chris proceeded to attack her face with kisses before his hands pulled her shirt up until she took it off and he discarded the material on to the floor.

"Still don't own a bra huh?" He asked teasingly as he stared down at her bare chest. It still blew his mind how she could be this beautiful. He lowered his head as he began placing kisses across her chest before paying attention to her left breast. He kissed softly around her nipple before taking the hardened bud into his mouth, his hand paying the same attention to her other breast. She moaned loudly at the feel of his hot mouth wrapped around her nipple, as she threw her head back against the pillows.

Chris's free hand ran down her stomach until he reached the waistband of her shorts. His fingers gently slipped under them before he pushed her panties to the side. He ran a finger along her wet slit feeling how she was dripping for him.

"God you're so wet" he growled against her nipple, "always such a good girl" his words sent flutters through Luna's core before she screamed out as his digit began circling her clit. It had been so long since she had been touched by someone other than herself and she knew she wouldn't last long. Unlike him Luna hadn't been able to entertain the idea of having someone else touch her, not when he already had.

"Oh god Chris I'm gonna" she cried out before the mixture of his hot mouth on her chest and his finger stimulating her clit sent her barrelling into her orgasm. She screamed his name loudly as she gripped tightly on to his biceps. As she rode out her high she focused her gaze on the ceiling, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. Chris's head rose from her chest as he moved so he could look her in the eye.

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