Chapter 22: Together.

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Chris had spent many nights the past few months dreaming about what it would be like if he'd met Luna first. He'd thought about where he would have taken her on their first date, what the first time he got to kiss her would feel like and how it would have felt the first time he got to be inside of her. It was safe to say that he never could have prepared for how real life would compare.

They'd spent the last week so completely wrapped up in their own little bubble. They'd stayed in the comfort of their own homes, alternating where they'd stay each night. They knew it would be stupid to go out together as a couple right now, especially since the only people besides them that knew about their relationship was Scott and Cece. It would only cause unnecessary drama and hurt if someone were to see them together, especially if it was the media. So they were incredibly careful about keeping their relationship from the public eye.

As much as Chris loved the little sanctuary of domestic bliss they had created, he hated that he hadn't been able to take Luna out on a real first date like she deserved.

So today when she actually had to go in to the shop instead of working from home, he decided he was going to take advantage of her being away and give her a first date that she deserved.

It was around 5:30pm when Luna finally got back to Chris's house. She thought she'd only have to be in for few hours when she left the house at 8am, but unfortunately the universe had other plans. She'd had three members of staff call in sick, one of the coffee machines completely broke down and there had been a problem with the plumbing meaning all of the toilets had been out of order.

Pulling up to the gate she punched in the code and continued to drive up to the house and parked her car. She sighed deeply, leaning her head back against the seat and closing her eyes. She had hated today, hated that everything had gone wrong, but mostly she hated not seeing Chris. As crazy as she knew it was to miss someone who she'd only seen a matter of hours ago, she couldn't help it. She missed him. She missed the safety of the little bubble they'd created together and she couldn't wait to get back in to the comfort of Chris's arms.

With a huff she grabbed her bag and slumped out of the car, slowly dragging her feet up to the door, ready to spend the night in bed cuddled up with Chris and their two best furry friends. She pushed the door open and pulled herself inside, her entire body aching with exhaustion after the long day.

The tiredness taking over she didn't even realise the whole house was immersed in darkness, not even the pitter patter of paws on the hardwood, until she'd reached the end of the hallway leading to the kitchen. She called out for Chris then for Rex and Dodger, nothing. She was about to pull out her phone to call him when she saw a light flickering through the patio doors. Walking over she pushed them open as she wondered out to the garden. She stood frozen at the site before her.

There were candles spread all over the garden, along with fairy lights strung up around the huge trees. The soft sound of her favourite song playing floated through the air as she looked down seeing a trail of rose petals leading to the centre of the garden, where she saw a table set up covered with food and a bottle of champagne and stood next to it was him.

Chris stood before her dressed in a black suit with his hair styled back and a huge bouquet of wild flowers in his hand. Her favourite. Luna just stood there frozen to the spot as Chris just beamed at her.

"I thought since we can't go out on a proper first date right now, that we could have one here?" He started to walk towards her, scared that she was gonna reject him as she was still yet to say a word. As he reached her he saw that beautiful smile spread across her face, the one that could light up any room.

"Are you asking me out Evans?" She smirked as reached out his hands to take hers, guiding her towards the table. He stopped right before they reached the spot, moving his hands to rest on her cheeks.

"Luna, will you go on a date with me?" She giggled as she moved forward to press her lips against his, her hands resting on his biceps. That sound melted his heart as always, he was an absolute sucker for this woman.

"Of course I will" She smiled deeply at him as he moved to pull out her chair for her to sit, before pushing it back in and taking his seat across from her.

"Where are the boys?" She asked as he poured them both a glass of the champagne.

"In the living room, I gave them both a bone each, should keep then occupied for a while."

"That explains why they didn't answer when I called" She giggled as she took a sip of her champagne, yeah this was just what she needed.

For the first time since they'd sat down she looked at the table taking in the food that was laid in front of her. She gasped as she looked up at Chris wide eyed as he sat there with a smug smirk spread across his features.

"Did you cook a roast dinner?" She asked shocked that he would even have the first clue on how to, but as she looked around at the spread it looked like he'd nailed it.

"Well I have to admit I honestly didn't have the first clue so I had Scott bring over strict instructions that Ma wrote out, so some of the credit has to go to him, despite him being the worst co chef ever." He laughed as he moved his hand to intertwine their fingers on the table.

"I can't believe you did all that for me."

"Well yeah it's your favourite." He said it so casually like there shouldn't be any debate about why he went through so much effort. Luna was shocked; no one had ever done anything like this for her before. No one had truly listened to her before. She didn't think Chris would even remember any of those silly little things she'd mentioned, but here they were. About to eat her favourite meal with a bouquet of her favourite flowers sitting next to her and a playlist of her favourite songs playing in the background. "Why do you look so shocked, what a guy can't do something nice for his girlfriend?"


A word that a few months ago had made Chris feel like he was gonna throw up, but now he was the one that got to say it, he got to call her his.

"God I love you." She chuckled, squeezing his hand before moving their hands so she could place a kiss against his palm.

"Eat up before it gets cold."

As they ate the food he'd prepared for them the conversation flowed as Luna told him all about her crappy day, immediately feeling better for having moaned about it. As they sat there enthralled in conversation, she felt the weight of the day finally disappear from her shoulders. Just being in Chris's presence made all of her stress and worries float away.

After they'd eaten Luna picked up her plate before moving to stand and clear it away before Chris stopped her with a hand on her arm. "Absolutely not" he smirked as he took the plates from her, "stay here, there's one more thing" he quickly made for the patio doors before she could question what else he had planned.

A short while later Chris made his way back outside, taking Luna's hand and leading her back in to the house. "What are you planning Evans?" She asked as he pulled up through the house and up the stairs to his bedroom. "Be patient Sugar."

The bedroom door opened to reveal even more candles spread throughout the room, as well as more rose petals spread across the floor and the soft silk sheets that lay on the bed. She turned to Chris wide eyed with her mouth hanging open as she stood there speechless. He chuckled as he pulled on her hand leading her to the ensuite bathroom. As she walked in she could smell a strong scent of lavender as yet more candles filled the room. Rose petals spread across the floor leading to the huge tub by the floor to ceiling frosted window. The bath tub was filled with bubbles and rose petals floating in the water. Next to it was a small table holding another bottle of champagne and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries.

She turned to face Chris flinging her arms around his neck as she kissed him softly, "god you are such a cheesy bastard you know that?" she giggled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest.

"Yeah but you love it" he was right, she did. This was exactly what she needed even if he did pull it straight out of a classic romcom.

They quickly undressed before Chris climbed in to the tub first, before Luna followed him sinking down in to water. His arms snaked around her waist pulling her back against his chest, kissing her neck softly as her head tilted back leaning against his shoulder. Right in that moment they both knew that this was where they truly belonged. Together.

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